
Cloudy Pool Water,& Shock and flock doesnt work why?

by Guest59976  |  earlier

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I have a 16 X 4 ft. pool with a model 630 pump/filter, we had a bad storm, and after the storm blew off the cover, I cleaned all the leaves out of it, took me 4 days, and now I can not for the life of me get my water clear again, I shocked and flocked it, and it drops all particles to the bottom, but as soon as I get it and turn on my pump to vacumm it, it stirs up the water and you cant even see your feet let along the bottom of the pool. Is there anything else I can do. I am dreading the thought of having to drain it and start all over. Because i am on a well not city water, and it just takes too much time. Can someone tell me how can I vacumn w/o the water stirring up and getting all cloudy again, I takes me nearly 1 1/2 hours to vacumn it due to i try to go real slow so not to stir the water up, but to no avail, I am back at the drawing board again, Some one please help me. If you know someone who will come and clean it for me,that will be ok too.Thanks,a very upset pool owner




  1. Stop P-ing in it

  2. make sure your using correct shock.. if you have high calcium water use a lithium based shock if your low in calcium use calcium based shock and YES there is a difference

  3. Do you have a clue what catagory your in sweety??

    This the game of pool!!! no wonder he got mad i didnt belive him

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