
Cloudy pool?? My pools water is very cloudy..I have chlorinated, shocked and stablized it. What else??

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Cloudy pool?? My pools water is very cloudy..I have chlorinated, shocked and stablized it. What else??




  1. PH must be correct, and also you may need to add some

    algicide. The filter must run until it clears up. You didn't say

    if you use a sand filter or cartridge. If it is sand, you may need

    to change the sand, I have known people who went through that.

  2. Get some clarifier.  My pool goes swamp green from the algeae then goes cloudy.  A little bit of the clarifier and you should be good to go!

    Good luck!!

  3. Make sure your ph is high enough.  Our pool is cloudy every year but usually clears up when we get the ph up

  4. Make sure the filter is clean then run the pump until it clears, it may take 24 hours or more depending on the size of the pool.

  5. Check your PH.

    If you need to raise the PH you can actually use baking soda to do so.  Used it for years when I lived in a different house with an inground pool.  Very cheap to use.  

    Only used baking soda for the PH and chlorine tablets in the skimmer, and had use something for algae occasionally.  Water was always crystal clear.

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