
Cloudy vision?

by  |  earlier

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These past few days, when I first wake up, my right eye's vision is cloudy. My eye is also pink. I also have some contacts, but I don't know if it's an eye infection.




  1. It might be your eye is dry go visit your doctor

  2. It could be a simole dry eye. Make sure that the Air condition blast and /or fan draft does not hit your eyes directly. Use clean sheets and pillow covers as an allergy can give rise to such symptoms as well.

    Any artifical tears like Refresh or Genteal should work, apply one drop each eye at bedtime and in the morning when you wake up.

    or  it may be due to contact lens problem !!!

    Your eyes, in order to fight the irritation of contacts, have increased tear flow. Overnight, some of the water in the tears evaporates, leaving a mucous-like film in the eyes. This may make your vision smeary or cloudy. When you blink, it smears the stuff around, temporarily improving the situation.

            If cloudy vision continues, better  visit ophthalmologist...

  3. Sounds like you have pinkeye. From what I understand, there are two types: viral and bacterial. For viral pinkeye, which often accompanies the common cold, just splash your eyes with water a few times a day. You can even use a little baby shampoo. You'll be clear in a day or two. If the problem persisit, you'll need awful, stinging eyedrops from your doctor. Pinkeye is very contagious. Wash your hands constantly until you're all better!
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