
Cloudy water in a new tank?

by  |  earlier

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i got a new 60 litre tropical aquarium the yesterday, i treated the water with both bacteria liquid and conditioner to make the water ok for fish (which i don't plan to add for at least a week). i also added some food to get the ammonia going through the tank ( a cool tip my mate mark told me :D) . for some reason when i came home i noticed that the water had gone very cloudy. is it ok for it to do that or should i treat the water even though theres no fish to go into it for another 6 days at minimum.

thank you for any answers i hope there as good as my last question :D




  1. :0) It's called infusoria, it's millions of little bugs called protozoa feasting on the fish food and making your water turn milky. These little bugs float around in the moisture in air, they are everywhere. They found your fish tank and now they are breeding like mad to the food source.

    When they run out of food and die on mass, hey presto, you have ammonia from their decomposing bodies and crystal clear water. How long that takes depends on how big a pinch of flake you added. If you happen to have a microscope have a look at what's doing the back stroke in your tank, (well cool).

    Leave everything as it is, it's a text book absolutely perfect response to the flake. You don't have bacteria in any numbers yet and a 12 gallon tank won't be cycled in 7 days. Less haste equals less problems next week, patience is a virtue and all that jazz :0)

    Edit: Leave everything as it is, cycling a tank is patience not work, you set it away and forget about it, everything is happening just the way it should. Anyway there's a snail in there somewhere, let it eat the big bits :0)

  2. Mine did the same .It was from the gravel it cleared after a few days.

  3. This is normal in a new tank and the water will clear up shortly. Just don't add any fish until the tank is fully cycled.

  4. It is because the bacteria is turning the ammonia into nitrite and lots of nitrite clouds the tank, so keep the filter running until it is fully cycled, then add fish.

  5. this is very common in new tanks. it is build up of good bacteria that the fish need to be healthy. it could last anything up to 8 weeks. may only be a couple of weeks, you never know. however long it takes i know it doesn't look brilliant at the moment but it is well worth the wait as the water looks lovely once it has cleared. hope this helps.

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