
Clown Loach Clicks....?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, this question is for the Clown Loach owners, at what age, size did you start to hear your buddies click? I'm really interested in this type of behaviour as I have 1 Clown Loach ( EsCargo) in my community tank and 2 others (havn't named the yet) in my quarintine waiting for 2 1/2 more weeks before putting them in my community.

Oh...I would love to know the names of your Clown Loaches if you have named them.

Yes I'm a fish dork and I name my fish......




  1. Hmm... I didn't hear them click too much, but I started hearing some noises about, I'd say, 6 months?  I had 2 loaches, and instead of clicking, they would usually pick up rocks and try to "break free" by spitting them at the tank wall... It used to keep me up at night when they really got at it.

    And I'd say the clicking won't start until you put the other 2 in with him, because they click to communicate as far as I know.

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