
Club volleyball players, What were your experiences like on a club volleyball team?

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I'm thinking about playing club next season 2nd year playing volleyball..,but I'm not sure about costs, travel, and commitment yet. Please help.




  1. its so much fun. about 3-5 days a week for practice and me i have tournaments every weekend. the cost for me was $500. but if your traveling that is a whole other story. club volleyball ranges from 400-1000

  2. I have only been in club volleyball for a year, but i can say that it's tiring. when your at the tournament, your not tired 'cause your having fun, but sometimes on the way home, you are ver sleepy and you don't feel like doing anything at all except for going to sleep, even if you aren't going far away. so just be prepared for it. we'll probably get use to it after a few years.

  3. My experience was not pleasent. It was a 2 year old club, so it was fairly new. The lady running it was money hungry and the girls coaching me were given false information so they weren't completely engaged in teaching us. That's all because the club was new and not well-researched by me and my family and not looked at by someone credible in upper management. You should really really research the clubs around your area, make sure they've had many years of establishment. It can cost anywhere from $600-$5000 all depends how high up you want to go. Some clubs travel just around the state while more expensive and competetive go around surrounding states so if it's only your second year, you might want a smaller club team. All depends what you're looking for so find out what you want out of a club and check around your city and surrounding cities and research them well! Have fun, really hope you find a good one, it IS a really good experience if you can find a credible team.

  4. Let me tell you, I played for a club for about 2-4 years and it is the best. I learned so much, and i found out that volleyball is really a tough sport and a fast sport too. It can be expensive but it's worth every penny. You get to travel and stay in a hotel. And ppl watch you play like example someone from a University or Collage and they liked the way you played. And they will give you something that talks about the school and see if you want to join. See that's what happened to me. But besides that Going a Club is the BEST!! Good Luck and Have Fun!! :)

  5. it is so Difficult 2 balance Ur StudiEs and CLub but in my case its Fun but very exhausting so its like......we wake up at like.........5:00am in the morning and like go 2 skul at 8:00 am and then after class we go training again at 5:00pm in the afternoon Yes they will really try their best 2 torture u but in a fun and happy way ^_^

  6. I love club i met a bunch of new people throught it. i've also made a few people mad but they are a lot of fun. the tournys are great. theres a bunch or really cool t's always a pluse and i met a few hot guys but the cost for us was avout 1000 dollars a little over and sometimes we even go into june but its fun

  7. my club was shite!! serisously dude..i'm in the 18's..started off the club season without a coach..tournements were a mess..had many cancelled overnight tournements and the head coach was super unorganized..i quit..but i plan on playing it again jsut as school starts..i'm not saying all club teams aer this way..but you asked about my experiences right?

  8. I'll admit that i only played club for 2 years, but it was a hella good time. alot of teams stay local so the cost to travel isn't that bad, also your team can do fundraisers to get money for traveling games. it's not really expensive to play, but it's not cheap. again, it can depend on the team. alot of times they require you to practice 2-3 nights a week for about 2+ hours. the tournaments last from Saturday morning to Sunday night. depending on how well you do. it's usually an early start and a late end. but all in all it is totally worth it. it's very competitive, some expect there to be some glares from other teams, or even jealous teammates. but still, i say play club and have fun.

  9. club ball is AWESOME u get 2 hang out with freinds at ur hotel and while ur playin

    If u love v-ball a lot commitment wont be hard 4 u

    travel is kool if u travel with team mates

    clubs charge 4 playin because of the fee 4 tournaments to ur fee all depends on how many tournaments u go to---- the hotel cost depend on  what hotel u stay at prices range

    $90-$200 a night

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