
Clubs/organizations in Dunedin?

by Guest21519  |  earlier

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Hi -

I just moved to Dunedin and am looking for ways to become more involved and meet people. Someone in a previous post mentioned that clubs and organizations are listed in the yellow pages, but I'm not finding them. I've also tried to do google searches for things like "Dunedin book clubs" and the like but I'm hitting dead ends. Any advice or links that may be helpful? Thanks!




  1. There are forums and other introductory services for people like you, who are wanting to join up with clubs and associations if you join NZ Dating.

    It's free.

  2. Kia Ora,

    and welcome to Dunedin

    First, please go to the Volunteering Otago website,

    or ring  471 6206, or stop in at the office -

    on Level 1 in the Community House at 283 Moray Place -

    and check out the opportunities for volunteering.

    There are organisations to meet everyone's interest,

    and you decide how much

    and for how long you want to volunteer.  

    I went there to ask about opportunities

    when I first moved to Dunedin

    and have been a volunteer ever since.

    Next, in the Yellow Pages

    look under Associations and Clubs page 61 (5 listings),

    Chartered Clubs, Racing & Sports Clubs pages 156-157 (20 listings),

    Community Groups page 159 (35 listings),

    and Societies page 532.

    You can also log on to the DCC web site

    and type "clubs" into the search bar, and press go.  

    If you scan down the hits -

    you will find the Dunedin chess, archery, camera,

    garden, swords, and ski clubs listed

    on the first page of search results (out of 69 pages).  

    Granted the DCC web site and search engine is not that great,

    but I found 6 clubs listed in the first page, see?  

    Just keep going page by page and you will find more clubs.  

    I don't have time to look them up

    and list them all for you, sorry,

    the link is above, go for it.

    If you still can't find what you seek,

    call the DCC at 477 4000

    and ask them about the specific type of club you are interested in,

    they should be able to steer you in the right direction.

    In addition, check out the ODT advertisement sections

    for public notices of meetings.  

    I am a member of two clubs

    that list their meetings in the ODT.

    If you are a student,

    you can go to the UNI Clubs & Societies building

    and get info on all the campus clubs -

    there are tons of clubs and socs at Otago.

    Otherwise network!

    If you like reading,

    check out the bulletin board at the library, or ask a librarian.  

    If you're into gardening,

    look on the notice boards at a gardening store,

    or a florist, or just ask the owners.  

    If you are into computers or gaming,

    ask at one of the IT shops.  

    If you like wine tasting,

    ask at a local wine store.

    Etc. etc.

    Kakorai Valley and Logan Park Schools both offer adult education classes -

    check their websites or give them a call.

    Good luck

    and I hope you find something to get involved with

    and that you will soon be meeting more new people in Dunedin....

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