
Clutch cargo..Metro Station concert.. bad for 17 yr olds?

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me and a few of my friends want to go see Metro Station and if that turns out well then All Time Low. It's at Clutch Cargo in Pontiac Michigan. We would get the backstage/meet and greet passes. We are 17 and were not big partiers or anything we just luv these bands do you think it will be inapropriate?

and were gonna drive there because it's like 40 minutes away, is it safe for us to drive there? like parking and everything, is it dangerous?

any advice would be great






  1. Please don&#039;t do this.

    It has nothing to do with your age per se, rather your level of experience in unfamiliar situations. Getting into Pontiac isn&#039;t the easiest due to a rather confusing collection of one-way streets. A simple wrong turn will put you into a neighborhood well beyond your comfort level.


    You will get on a narrow one-way street, you won&#039;t be able to turn around, the locals will spot an unfamiliar car and you will be trapped. Getting lost is real easy. Between construction detours, driving at night, a car load of chatty friends and a general level of inexperience you are opening yourself to danger.

    Now, while I&#039;m an ancient guy, I&#039;ve been to Clutch Cargos dozens of times. I know the area, grew up in Pontiac, and I get turned around all the time. For me it is not a problem. I don&#039;t mind creepy places, but for young ladies driving in Pontiac is not a good idea. Downtown is surrounded by crack houses, homeless shelters, bars and both male and female prostitutes. If you have all those places in your neighborhood, then you&#039;ll be right at home; but I don&#039;t think that is the case, is it?

    I would really hate to hear you had a problem there; either take a limo or get a parental unit to drive.

  2. Its not too bad inside...parking can be difficult to find and the surrounding area isn&#039;t the safest so parking too far might not be a good may want to get there a bit early to ensure you have a close parking spot so when you decide to leave at night, in the dark, there will be people around and you are safe...rather than having to walk around in an unfamiliar, unsafe neighborhood in the dark by yourselves.

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