
Cm punk deserve the title?

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do u think he does i mean he kinda toook advantage of batistas beating on edge but he went through heck in money in the bank at w24 i was their on the othr hand i want him to have the title im confused!!!




  1. lmao u probably dont even know wwe is fake or scripted..

  2. edge does this everytime, cm punk just gave edge a tase of his own medicine and it about time some one did the same to edge(good for you punk)

  3. Well personally I think that the ONLY reason why Punk is still champ is because of interference. Punk couldn't beat Batista, Kane, or Edge if it were a 100% real fight. The only person that he really beat was JBL and that was because he was distracted. I was at Wrestlemania and yeah CM Punk went through one heck of a battle which I give him props for. I was also at Raw when they had the Fatal Four Way between John Cena, Batista, JBL, and Kane. And Batista poured his guts out in that match. Now personally I hate Batista but I do feel that he should be the Champ instead of CM Punk. Punk is as JBL says a paper champ. He really isn't that good and personally I don't think that he's Raw material he should have stayed on ECW and sucked over there too.

  4. edge did the same thing

  5. Well [[Hannah]] even you have to admit WWE turned Punk into a kiddies champion. In ROH Punk did moves like the Pepsi Plunge and Welcome to Chicago Mother F*cker, but in WWE he is reduced to a running knee lift-bulldog combination along with a weak version of the GTS. I personally think that until CM gets his edge back, he doesn't deserve to hold the championship.  

  6. If he was still in ECW, I would have said yes. ECW champion is one thing but World Champion? I am sorry but when looking back at all the people who held that belt, it is hard for me to put him in that category. Is he talented? No question about it but that is a belt that you have to pay your dues to get. Think back to Ric Flair and how long it took him to win that belt and others like Sting, Triple H, The Rock, and so many others it took years of hard work to earn that status. But I have to admit it does make it very interesting to watch because for sure I was convinced he was going to lose that belt the same night he won it.

  7. I think he deserves it. He worked very hard to get to the mitb and if he doesn't get the push now...when will he? People always complain when wrestlers dont get pushes and when they do, they complain anyway. Its hypocritical. This guy was huge in ROH. If he didn't get the push now he will never do. I mean so what?

    Nobody actually knows what CM Punk is capable of. He could make an awesome heavy weight champion. The guy's finisher in ROH was a pedigree and the WWE wont allow him to use it and we havn't seen his moves like Anaconda he has to use the GTS. CM Punk is incredibly talented and i think it is good WWE are finally pushing Midcarders. Him being champ is something different and it will give others a shot at the title. He worked his butt off in that money in the bank and like other winners he has and deserves the right to cash it in.

    People forget he hasn't been WHC long at all. Two months - if that. And he hasn't had time to prove himself. But he is doing well so far. He has defended it three times which i gotta say it is alot considering how long he has been WHC. You gotta admire his determination to prove to people he is worthy of being the World Heavy Weight Champion. Like said, IF he doesn't get the push now when will he?

    [edit] Yeh i can admit that. I mean he was alot better back in ROH. He has turned into a bit of a kiddies champ with all the moves he does now. It sucks because CM Punk has real potential.

  8. I think there are ppl who deserve it more, but he does deserve it at some degree

  9. he does deserve to be World Heavyweight Champion

  10. Confused?Start by punctuating your long run-on sentence.

  11. he does deserve it. You're right he did go through heck to get the case at wr24 and he had to use it sometime.

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