
Cmon, is this really SO hard to understand?

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I see post after post speculating on whether it was Bristol's decision to keep the baby (I'm assuming they mean not killing it) or whether it was really her decision to get married, etc. Is it THAT much of stretch for the Democrats to think someone can actually keep a baby born outside a marriage or to marry someone who got you pregnant? Has that idea become so far-fetched to the left that they have to make up their own stories? How sad if that's the case.

Oh, by the way, Obama's mom wasn't married when he was born. Should he have been aborted? Hmmmm, voting for someone that wouldn't exist according to your own morals...interesting...




  1. Obama's Mother was Married to his father

  2. On questions of Bristol's private decisions, I prefer to avoid forming opinions unless and until she decides to make them public. Personally, I have no trouble (as a strongly Democratic-leaning voter) accepting the notion that her decisions might reflect the values with which she was obviously raised.

    And any of us who are pro-choice ought to be prepared to accept someone else's choice, whatever it is. (And since I am pro-choice but not pro-abortion, I am in this case prepared to applaud that choice, and to hope that she made it willingly and with full support of her family.)

    I am not so happy with the idea of people on either side of the abortion question calling on the government to impose their preferred choices on everyone else. In fact, I'm not happy with the notion that there is an "abortion question" in the larger sense, as opposed to the utterly private question facing anyone who is pregnant and has not yet decided what to do about it.

    I am also not happy with politicians who do everything they can to make the bearing and rearing of children an activity fraught with economic, medical, educational, and social liabilities, and then (having done everything within their power to make abortion as preferable a choice as possible) claim the banner of "anti-abortionism" just because they favor a government that treats every person who gets pregnant as state-owned incubating equipment.


  3. I do not think that every middle class family has not had a situation like this somewhere in their family tree.  This young lady decided to have the baby.  Many many do, so what is the beef?

    Does it make a flying flip that will effect Sarah Palin's performance being V.P.  I do not think so!!!!!!

    Edit......No Obama's mother as not married when she had Barack!!!!!!1

  4. No. I think it's you that don't understand. Palin's strong stance on abstinence only education is the wrong way to go. Her daughter's promiscuity proves it. But it's not just that. Bristol's choices for a life of her own have been drastically reduced. She's 17. I think it's shameful that she wasn't armed with more information so she could have made at least an informed decision that could have included birth control. At least she would have had the option. It would have given her greater control over her life.

  5. No

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