
Cn we still talk without himthinking i wanna get back together?

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so in middle school i dated my x bf for a day n broke up, then we got back together for about two weeks...i wasn't ready for no relationship so the whole thing was awkward. it been about three years since i seen him, but last friday he came up to me at the mall..i was soo surprise n shy that i didn't know wat to say,,plus my mom was right there...i forgot about him since i left middle school but lately thats wat i found myself doing when i think about relationships...i really want to start talking to him again as friends, because he was a cool person back then but i dnt want to think that i want to get back together..i tried looking for him on my space n facebook but i cnt find him..i dnt wanna ask my old friend either(they both go to the same school, i just just got her cell number so we haven't talk since middleschooll either) because i dnt want her to think that i want to get with him do i get in contact with him again or how cn i ask my friend about him with out sending the wrong signs




  1. I'd leave it alone. Be careful with guys' feelings. They're really touchy when it comes to that stuff - to be honest, I've lost a lot of guy friends because they liked me and I didn't like them. A lot of guys can't even truly be friends with a girl and will ONLY hang around because they like her. That's why they call it "the friend zone" --- its not a good thing - to guys.

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