
Co-codamol slight overdose ?? what can I do?

by  |  earlier

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my wife has returned home complaining of a bad headache, I was recentley perscribed some co-codamol, I gave her two which was my normal dose. Now she is feeling quite dizzy and sick although the headache has gone as she feels numb. How long will this last and how can I help the effects of the painkiller to ware off. In otherwords whats the best thing to do ?




  1. You cant overdose on 2 tablets. Did she take them on an empty stomach as that could be why she feels sick. Pain medication should always be taken with food or after food.

    The effects of co-codamol should wear off within a few hours that's why you can take 8 over a 24 hours period.

    Co-codamol is paracetamol and codeine in the one tablet.  

  2. Is she taking anything else which could have mixed badly with it?

  3. i dont think you can OD on them[and deff not off 2]...but to be safe ring the doctors or uk,nhs direct...they will put your mind at ease..

  4. I'd agree with the desert camel, I very much doubt if it's an overdose. Co-codamol is a powerful painkiller and know side-effects include: feeling or being sick, constipation, drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, dry mouth, rash. If that's what's happening, it will wear off in a few hours, helped by drinking plenty of water to flush it through.  Mind you, it might be whatever it is that gave her the headache in the first place, perhaps she's coming down with something. If you're worried, as he says by all means ring NHS Direct.

  5. The dizziness and sickness is caused by the codeine(a morphine like chemical) in co-codamol.The effects should wer off in some 4-6 hours.

    If the pain returns give her plain paracetamol 2x500mg every 6 hours and no more that 8 tablets in any 24 hour period.

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