
Co-worker that is rude?

by  |  earlier

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I have a co-worker that I go to lunch with almost daily, she takes and makes calls as soon as we get in the car and is on the phone the whole time. Even when we're ordering! If she's not on the phone she's texting. Is this rude to anyone else? I don't know what to say to her.




  1. stop taking your lunch with her go alone you practically are already!

  2. Yes, it's rude. I recommend all of you limit your communications with her to text messages. She'll get the idea.

  3. welll if your a guy maybe shes just not interested, and is just looking for a free lunch.??

  4. yes it's rude. You could print out a cell phone etiqutte guide and drop it on her desk when no-one is looking.

    I would just not go to unch with her-unless you have other motives...

  5. Anytime you ingonre your present company it's rude. Next time take a book or magazine and read during your entire lunch. She may or may not get the hint, but at least you will have something to do other than listening to one side of her conversations.

  6. Are you opposite genders?  If you are then are you just getting together for lunch or are you hoping this will lead to something more?  If so then I understand why it upsets you.  You're feeling ignored and her phone is competition.

    But if she's not on the same page as you then she's not being rude unless the calls are of a personal nature.  What she's trying to do is to make the best use of her lunch break by getting caught up with the rest of the world.

    Now, if she's doing this for the entire lunch time then yes, that is being inconsiderate and I'd talk to her and tell her that you would like to spend some time visiting.

    Before talking with her try to understand what it is that is really bugging you.  Are you feeling ignored?  Are you wanting to get to know her better and this is like a regular "rendezvous"?  Are you feeling a little jealous?  These are only questions not judgments.  

    Once you know why it bothers you then it will be easier to talk to her about the situation.

  7. Yes it's very rude.  Find yourself another lunch buddy.  Or you can buy her lunch one day and include a lunch for her phone.  Just say you have started to feel like its a third person on your lunches.  She may get the hint.

  8. It's rude.  Next time she comes along, tell her that you feel uncomfortable with her having phone conversations during lunch.  Then just go by yourself.  It'll be hard breaking the "habit" of going to lunch with this coworker, but by the end of the week, you'll be happy you did.

  9. Very rude. You might as well go alone :)

  10. You should just let her know that it bothers you. Tell her that you go to lunch with her to spend time with her, not to listen to her calls.

  11. This does seem to be slightly rude. You should pull her aside in a nonconfrontational way once she is taking a break from her phone and let her know how you feel, possibly saying jokingly, do you ever take a break from that thing? Making it seem like it doesn't bother you too much when you confront her about it might make it easier for her to see how annoying it is to other people. Or, just being flat-out honest could be best if this really bothers you to the extreme, and just telling her that it annoys you when you can't have a normal outing when she's constantly focused on the phone and not the situation.

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