
Coach Chuck Pagano transforms Indianapolis Colts’ defence to 4-3 hybrid system – NFL News

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Coach Chuck Pagano transforms Indianapolis Colts’ defence to 4-3 hybrid system – NFL News
First year head coach Chuck Pagano has introduced the Indianapolis Colts to new defence philosophy altogether and the players seem getting along well in the transformed 4-3 hybrid scheme.
Chuck has deserted the traditionally prevailed small defensive setup of the team, which focused the Tampa Bay Buccaneer-style 3-4 alignment system and is implementing 4-3 strategy – a hybrid system that requires bigger size linemen.
The crux of the scheme is to force opponents commit mistakes on the defensive line, which should give more opportunities like turnovers to the Colts and players are said to be happy with the new strategy.
Cornerback Jerraud Powers said of the system:
"We brought in some guys and the first day I saw them, I was like `Gosh, how much do you weigh?' I think they said like 330, 340. They probably have not had a d-tackle that big in a long time around here. I'm just glad that once we get in warm-ups, we'll
look as big as the teams we're playing."
The Colts have traditionally relied on their offence for most of their victories. More precisely, they were totally dependent on one man – former quarterback Peyton Manning.
Manning’s absence from the squad due to a lingering neck problem past season exposed the team in all departments. The defence was particularly worse and allowed fourth-highest 430 points of the franchise's history. They were also fifth-highest in the National
Football League (NFL).
New Colts’ safety Tom Zbikowski said of the team’s defence situation:
"I always remember them wreaking havoc and doing damage to our offense during the regular season, and in the postseason (2009) I remember how fast they were. But I always knew that defence was way, way, way underrated as a unit."
Tom has joined the Colts this year after spending past four seasons with the Baltimore Ravens. He now hopes the team will improve its rating in the defence department under the new scheme.
It is pertinent to mention that Chuck Pagano himself has arrived in Indianapolis from Baltimore. He is credited to have built one of the strong defences in the league while working for the Ravens.



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