
Coaching? New One?

by Guest63612  |  earlier

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Hi there,

I am probably getting a new coach in the next week and saying bye to my current one.

How would I tell My current coach that she isnt the one for me and is not helping my riding at ALL!!!

How could I tell her without having hurt feelings?

Also she boards at my barn so i would see her on weekend and during the week :S




  1. You say that you are probably getting a new week.  You sound somewhat unsure of that because you don't know if the new coach has an opening or because you haven't figured out how to tell your old coach?  I would think that I wouldn't even mention it to the old coach unless and until I was definitely accepted by the new one, then be straight up, tell your old coach that this will be your last lesson, that you would like to try someone else so you can be more well rounded, that you plan on having several coaches in your learning years...actually, we all should never quit listening and learning from different folks and there is nothing wrong with that...bear in mind, you have been the one that has been paying your coach, not the other way around, so be thoughtful and considerate, but be straight up without being demeaning...and don't beat around the bush as if your mind isn't made up when you speak to your old coach about it...Good luck. and don't apologize for your decision.

  2. Just tell her that she is a good coach but she and you  don't have any chemistry between coach and student.  If you don't have chemistry you can not bring the best out of some one.

    Good luck

  3. Just tell her the truth. Just say it's not working out and that even though she is a great coach she's just not your type. Honesty is always the best way to handle things like this.

  4. wow thats a tough one. i would tell her that it isn't working out and that you would like a mroe flexible scedual or what ever is wrong. like you said that she isn't helping your riding. tell her you need a more experienced trainer to help you get along farther in your riding career. hope this helps. any questions? message me.
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