I am at a lose for what to do now. I am a teenager and have been swimming since i was 6 years old. But for the past two years i have coached swim team. I have the 7-8 year olds. They usually dont know how to do butterfly or breaststroke. So it is my job to teach them.
I have taught breast stroke before, andt he kids have understood. But for some reason, this years kids havent got a clue. Right now, i am jsut wokring on showing them the individual parts. I will put them all together later. I have showed them the kick, had them practice, and even moved their legs how you arree supposed to, but they havent gotten the feel for it.
Does anyone know how else i can show these kids the kick. The stroke i will get evtually.. and i know how to gte the to put it together, but the kick is the most difficult. Anyone know any tricks? Thanks ahead of time for your help.