
Coca cola is good for health or not?

by  |  earlier

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same about miranda citrus and pepsi.




  1. There are no health benefits to drinking soda, so no.  If you drink it in moderation (1-2 a day) then it's not *bad* for your health.

  2. not

  3. Every kind of soda is unhealthy even diet { most r bad 4 ur liver} try  drinking iced tea and water

  4. No it's horrible for you!  You can dump a can into a toilet and it will eat away at the toilet leaving it spotless... can you imagine what it does to your insides?

  5. Unhealthy.

    Give you cellulite.

  6. Coca Cola is not good for your health.  It contains caffeine and phosphorous, which eats at the bones and causes osteoporosis over time.  You can drink it in moderation, though.

  7. No it has too much sugar. Drinking too much can also change the acidity of your mouth, which is thought to cause mouth ulcers.

    Hope this helps,


  8. Ummm no.  Anything that's first ingredient is corn syrup is definitely not healthy.

  9. Not good especially full sugar

  10. I would say not to coke and pepsi, sorry don't know what miranda citrus is.

  11. no soda is not good for you! it ruins your teeth.. it is so bad that if you stop drinking it for 1 year you lose 15 pounds!

  12. No soda is not good for you. There is a fat annoying kid in my school who only drinks soda. Once in a while is ok and i think diet is better than regular soda. So if you start drinking soda a lot use diet.

  13. too much of them are not quite ok for your health

  14. i don't knwo what miranda citurs is but no coke and pepsi are awfull for u they are full of empty carbs, caffine and sugar!

  15. have'nt had these since years.They are junk drinks.You do not consume these drinks for health. Its for quenching your thirst,when you are in need of it. In case you are a health freak,consume fruit juice,milk,curd etc don't go for these drinks.Otherwise drink to your hearts content and dont be bothered about their food value

    You can drink Miranda CITRUS.I like it.

    Dont drink it every day.

  16. No, It has acid in it that can affect the strength of your bones and teeth.  Processed sugars are no good for you, are extremely addictive, and spike your blood sugar.

  17. Coke is good for cleaning your toilets and removing battery acid from your car's battery--how healthy does that sound?

  18. Drinks like coke and pepsi are not good for your health at all, they contain high amounts of sugar and caffine. Fruit juice and good old water are the best.

  19. all sodas are bad for you...

    but were all gonna die n e ways...

    so drink on!!!

    i also like mine w/ rum!


  20. Soda is very very bad for your health. Think about it like this...If cola can eat away the paint on your car imagine what it is doing to your insides.

  21. no way

  22. sodas aren't good for you in general

  23. no, and even the new coca cola zero is bad for us, it's even worse.

    they're acidic, but it's okay drinking them, just occasionally, don't make it a habit.

  24. Not.

  25. not!

  26. It is great mixed with rum.

  27. It can be good in short term because it has some flavors and neutralizers that help with digestion. In the long term, because it's unnaturally it eventually wears your body down. Coke is good for relieving heart burn because it's alkaline. However, it also has lot's of sugar and calories plus metal or plastic after taste depending on how it's packaged which is why it's worse and worse the more you consume it.

  28. all soda is terrible for you!

    only once in a while as a treat, or with as a mixed drink.

  29. Look at the nutrition facts. That's a ton of calories for a beverage, plus look at how much sugar is in them!

    No, they aren't good for you. In fact they're pretty bad for you.

  30. I know that coke tastes so good,but I think too much of it can't really be a good thing!!

  31. coca cola is bad for everyone and any soda are just gonna gain weight and get diabeties.

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