
Coca cola or pepsi cola ? that is the question?

by Guest57455  |  earlier

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come on everyone there is a vast difference between coke and pepsi, what one do you prefer or would you rather a cheep coke like value coke or somerfield own? or maybe you cant stand any of them? maybe you would rather have cherryade or orangeade or lemonade




  1. mix'em up and have both..... jkjk

    i think im gonna have to go with coke

  2. dont see the difference!

  3. My family prefers coke a cola

    we had to go to atlanta this year to tour the coke factory kids thought it was best vacation ever!

    wanna go back next year.

    would you call that addicted?

  4. I don't like either of them. But if I HAD to drink one I'd choose Pepsi.

  5. I came from a "broken home." :)  My dad was a die-hard Pepsi drinker, and my mom's family all drank Coca-cola.  We (mom, my brother, and I) converted him.  I now drink Coke Zero, as my equator is expanding faster than it should!

  6. mmmmmmmmm coca cola! it tastes soooooo good! i prefer the brand cokes as they have 'their' own original taste and i feel that the shop brands copy the brand tastes.............gotta stick tp the original!! YUM I LOVE COCA COLA!

  7. There ant anything better than a refreshing coke a cola.

                            THATS THE BESTEST.

  8. coca cola is ok;;

    but i totally prefer pepsi


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