
Cocaine Hangover Cure?

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So does anyone have any great Cocaine hangover cures. I am puking nonstop, cant hold down even water. I only did one line of coke, and now I feel like death.

Please help




  1. stop doing coke

    it will eat up your brain

  2. take xanax they make you come down so you don't feen for it

  3. Avoid drugs (AT least while your not feeling 100%) last thing you want is a bigger burdon on your self.

    Drink water, tea (PLENTY!!) and wait for the comedown (do you feel depressed?) and illness to wear off.

    If your sick from a single line of coke then I would suggest that what you did was contaminated, badly mixed or you reacted REAL bad to it.

    Did you get a high from this coke?  Did your heart race soo fast you but you knew you didn't have a heart attack? (that's the feeling)

    Did anyone else do this coke with you?  Did you buy it off the street from someone you don't know (common when your out round here) from personal experience buying from 'randomers' usually isn't a good idea due to heavy drug cutting (you'll never meet again - or it's unlikely to happen soon)

    And another tip ... don't use rolled up notes I don't know why people do this (I think it's a 'I've got money thing" god knows how many different people have handled that note and coughed, sneezed all other it.  if you must use a wrapped straw and don't share. (Mc D's works)

  4. You need to first promise you will never take coke again, and then and ONLY then will we help you

  5. I agree with Science Geek.  Someone slipped you something other than coke.  One line of coke is not going to make you feel like that.  Unless that line was as long as your arm!  Be more careful of who you get your stuff from.

    And to the person above who said to stick with's a different high, dummy.  I don't know about you, but I'd rather be UP, not sleepy and munchin'!

  6. snort another line

  7. Well... Now you know to never to Coke again, that was a mistake BIG time. Lay down, put the air conditioning on, throw some ice on your head, keep a bucket near you and drink some water to drain it out. Keep a phone near you just in case if you start getting out of hand.

  8. maybe you should take the "live & learn" approach and realize that doing coke may not be the best thing for your body or mind.

  9. the lesson: don't do bad coke. mabye just lie down for a while and don't do anything but let the time go by. and really man, get some better stuff. you're better off sticking to pot hangover no nothing. its all good.

  10. Yes....oh golly, dont snort any lines you coke monkey.

  11. you might want to consider taking yourself to a hospital..god forbid something serious happens to you over a single line of coke.and trust me the hospital (staff) won't give a d**n about a single coke line.good luck,be well,and forget the coke.switch to a healthier hobby,consider joining a gym or volunteering.

    *Proud Mama of a 4 month old Gorgeous Baby Boy*

  12. Whatever that it was you did , your body didn't like and it is trying to purge it out of your body.. Maybe drink some warm salt water and it will wash some of it out.. Other then that, you might try a cracker when you feel like you can and it will sooth your stomach a little.. You will need to get some gatorade in you once you can hold something down and don't do drugs  (people will tell you it is one thing and give you something else.). Could have been COMET.... Hope you pull through.. : (

  13. Cocaine has the wonderful property of making you feel great for 15 minutes, and then feeling like you got kicked in the head by a mule for several hours (unless you buy more of course!!!)

    That's why people shouldn't do cocaine!

    PS: You probably snorted a line of baby laxative - also typical for "cocaine" you normally get. You can get that lots cheaper at the druggist and puke for almost free!

  14. You DID NOT do one line of cocaine. What you did was snort some unknown substance which was possibly in the coke... that is if it was coke at all. Pharmaceutical cocaine does not make people sick.

  15. that is your punishment for being such a tool. I hate that drug, lost a lot of friends to it. don't do it, seriously not cool

  16. LMAO.  It sounds like some trickster gave you heroin and said it was coke.  I'd avoid doing drugs with him in the future.
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