
Cocaine question?

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Is it possible to get Cocaine in your nose but it not have i: effect you, get in your blood, get into your spinal fluid?

Im not going into it but I got some coke in my nose, but the amount is so ******* small I dont think it did anything.

Im going to buy a p**s test, but can you test old p**s? Because I dont think it will still be in my p**s to much longer.




  1. I am a Certified Medical Assistant

    You will test positive... It is the same as "Bill Clinton" saying

    "I smoked it, but I didn't inhale"

    Yes you can test urine that is why you do a urine drug test for probation or employment

    Kimberly is correct when she said that it CAN NOT be in your spine

  2. the inside of your nose is a sensitve area with blood vessels and it is very possible it got into your system. if you did not snort it up it is highly unlikely that you will fail a drug test for this. if you have never done this before and dont put anymore there, any trace would be gone in up to 3 days.  now if you did actually do this and a lot, it will take longer than 3 days to leave your body. and i dont know about the spinal fluid but i dont think that is cocaine's method of action. cocaine is an awful drug and will ruin your life. not to preach but i know from experience nothing good comes out of that substance.

  3. First of all cocaine itself is bad  & injurious to health.. just read below :

    Short-term effects of cocaine include constricted peripheral blood vessels, dilated pupils, increased temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, insomnia, loss of appetite, feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety. Duration of cocaine's immediate euphoric effects, which include energy, reduced fatigue, and mental clarity, depends on how it is used. The faster the absorption, the more intense the high. However, the faster the absorption, the shorter the high lasts.The high from snorting may last 15 to 30 minutes, while that from smoking may last 5 to 10 minutes. Cocaine's effects are short lived, and once the drug leaves the brain, the user experiences a "coke crash" that includes depression, irritability, and fatigue.

    What are its long-term effects?

    High doses of cocaine and/or prolonged use can trigger paranoia. Smoking crack cocaine can produce a particularly aggressive paranoid behavior in users. When addicted individuals stop using cocaine, they often become depressed.Prolonged cocaine snorting can result in ulceration of the mucous membrane of the nose.

    Also... read this full description

    Cocaine is both a central nervous system stimulant and a topical anaesthetic. It is found in the leaves of the Erthroxylum coca plant. The traditional method of coca use is to "chew" the leaves (the leaves are actually not chewed so much as sucked, producing a mild stimulation. Outside of South America it is generally used in its more refined and extracted forms: either powder cocaine, or freebase cocaine which produce much stronger effects than "chewing" the leaves. The term "Crack" is alternately used to refer to street quality freebase cocaine, or to refer to the product of a particular manufacturing process which uses sodium bicarbonate rather than a flammable solvent. Powdered cocaine is generally insufflated (snorted) and crack / freebase cocaine is generally smoked. Smoking freebase cocaine causes a strong, short-lived peak of about 3-5 minutes, while snorting cocaine provides a lower high with major effects lasting closer to 15 - 30 minutes.


    Varies with dose and the tolerance of the user. Increases alertness, wakefulness, elevates the mood, mild to high degree of euphoria, increases athletic performance, decreases fatigue, clearer thinking, increases concentration, increases energy, increased irritability, insomnia, restlessness. With high doses may exhibit a pattern of psychosis with confused and disorganized behavior, irritability, fear, paranoia, hallucinations, may become extremely antisocial and aggressive.


    Increases heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and sweating. Increases speed of respiration, dilates the pupils, decreased sleep and appetite. Can decrease seizure threshold and is associated with seizures, strokes, and heart attacks in susceptible individuals.


    Although cocaine does not cause dangerous physical addiction, discontinuing regular use can lead to a wide varieties of (very) unpleasant withdrawal and craving symptoms, including: intense cravings for more cocaine, hunger, irritability, apathy, depression, paranoia, suicidal ideation, loss of s*x drive, insomnia or excessive sleep, dizziness, shaking, and/or feeling cold. Although the withdrawal from heavy cocaine use is not as debilitating as the withdrawal from opiates or benzodiazepines, it is still usually quite unpleasant. Often, individuals simply take more cocaine to reduce these effects, leading to a pattern of habituation, dependence, and addiction.


    Agitation, hostility, hallucinations, convulsions, high body tempertature (hyperthermia), stroke, heart attack, and possibly death.

    People with latent congenital heart defects, high blood pressure, or thyroid problems are at higher risk of dangerous reactions and heart failure with the recreational use of cocaine.


    Heavy, regular use of cocaine is known to cause restlessness, anxiety, hyperexcitability, paranoia, irritability, insomnia, weight loss, and a variety of other less acute psychological symptoms. Insufflation of any substance can lead to damaging the cartiledge and mucosa in the nose, eventually leading to a hole in the septum (the soft structure separating the nostils). If injected, cocaine use can lead to a wide variety of problems including life-threatening infections, shared needle-related blood diseases, etc.

    So... please avoid this..... LIFE IS SHORT .. MAKE IT SWEET.... have various types  & occassions to enjoy life... why go to this cocaines... or some thing bad.....?!! right....

  4. y would u test urself

  5. Cocaine stays in the system for around 3 days.

    I dont know why you asked all that being your question now is about a psych test for the fbi.

    If you think you did the drug,or are nervous about "having coke in your nose" at one point...................of course your going to fail the psych test it doesnt matter if its in your system or not - its all mental.

  6. Just relax man I think that you will be just fine...if you aren't feeling any different I believe that you will be just fine.

  7. it only stays in your system for about 3 days anyway, so if it was a small amount, so small that you didn't feel anything, then it won't be in your system long at all. it never goes into your spine, so you don't have to worry about that. cocaine completely exits your body, and anything entering your spinal fluid stays there for good.

  8. " got some in my nose"  rofl

    I got a stolen car in my house, I didn't put it there can you help?!

    Be honest with yourself and stop using coke and you'll be all the better

  9. coke should only last in ur system up to like 3 days... if it was a small amount it wouldnt come out in your urine

  10. If anything maybe a trace amount, but if you didn't snort it fully, you'll probably be fine, it probably won't show up on a test because the amount in proportion to your body is probably too small.

  11. Yes- it is possible to inhale cocaine, avoiding its effect if you rub vaseline on the inside of your nasal passages prior to inhalation.

    If you put your urine into a container when you are clean, place in refrigerator , you have the ability to use it to pass a drug screen in the future merely by bringing it up to temperature, which is 98.6.

  12. It won't be in your spinal fluid.  Cocaine will only stay in your system and blood/urine test positive for up to 3 days after your last use/dose.  I must admit getting it in your nose but not "doing" it is going to have to be explained in your polygraph.  Most places during polygraph do ask if you've been around anything or associated with people who use, etc.  

    You won't test positive after 3 days but it may be something you will have to explain to your future employers.
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