
Cocaine questionn HELP!?

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how is cocaine physically addictive more than phycologically addictive? and whats its mortality rate vs morbidity rate?




  1. most drugs are physical, especially when you start young. Don't need to check risk factor, that is dumb question.

  2. cocaine is actually not believed to be physically addictive. it is, as most addictions are, psychologically addictive. if a user tries cocaine and likes it, the user may like it so much that they decide to use it again and again and again. they begin to associate their cocaine use with feeling good and will start using cocaine, not for fun, but just to feel good. however, there is no function in the body that just NEEDS cocaine to function. it's completely mental.

    cocaine addiction is bad but it's not particularly fatal. i think the current rate is 87 deaths per year from cocaine overdose.

  3. at first cocaine makes u start to twitch after a while of taking it u stop twiching and if u stop taking it u twich some more that is physical addiction

    phycologically means (cocaine does not actully do this one) it would make u forget all the bad things then soon as u stopped taking it it would make u fell worse about those bad things something sorta like that

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