
Cockateial problem!!!?

by  |  earlier

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well my cockateial is just getting his flight feathers and starting to fly. i was just wondering if i should still feed him the formula or regular bird food? i`ve been feeding him both. and if you can please tell me how old he is.




  1. I can't tell you how old he is but I can guess... If you are still feeding him formula then he is a baby. I would guess about 5 or six weeks.

  2. Your bird is probably about 6-7 weeks old.  This is about the time they start the weaning process, and begin to eat on their own.

    As long as your bird is eating on it's own, you can cut back the hand-feeding to 3 times per day (morning, noon, night).   Over the next 7-10 days, eliminate the afternoon feeding, and then the morning feeding, but keep feeding at night.

    Eventually, most will begin to refuse hand feedings, or only eat tiny amounts, at which point they are considered to be completely weaned.

    I recommend using a scale to weigh your bird.  A small amount of weight loss is normal during weaning, but it should be monitored.

    Best of luck to you!

  3. Wean your bird by continuing to feed as before, but offer him "adult" food.  Cheerios are excellent, because he will be interested in the shape, and they are soft enough to eat easily.  (They are also the perfect size for a cockatiel beak.)  Chex are good too.  Offer seeds, and other adult food, and he will gradually prefer them to the baby goop you were feeding.  

    It will help if you have been weighing him daily.  Then you can see he is getting enough nutrition.

    But it's not a big deal.  If he's super hungry when you feed him, it means he's not getting enough adult food yet.  He will make the transition on his own schedule.

  4. He's probably about 1 year or a little less.  Mine is a little over a year and he's just getting his flight feathers.  Hope I helped!

  5. Hes probably about 6 months to a year.

    I think you should carry on feeding him the formula and seed seeing as there's no harm in feeding him both. He should however start to eat less of the formula and more bird seed and when he starts to do this then you know hes finished with formula
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