
Cockateil problems?

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my cockateil doesnt really stay in his cage ALL the time. he mainly just stays perched on something for the night and stays inside the house out of his cage everynight and all day unless he HAS to go to his cage. and when i go to catch him to pet him or take him on a walk with his bird leash he always freaks out and attempts to bite you hard.but he never does.then he flies off to another one of his ''perches'' and it is like you are playing tag with him but really you never4 catch him until it is not a 2 person hide-and-seek it turns into you the bird and someone else playing hide-and-seek for a reward, getting peeted after him acting bad




  1. Your best bet is to keep him in his cage and limit his freedom outside of the cage.  Only take him out when you're going to play with him.  He's probably become spoiled with all the freedom and it's like working with a wild bird.  Try to limit how much time he has outside the cage.  Good luck!

  2. RESPECT. yea idk what im talking about.

    well u are giving him to much freedom. and u r spoiling him like missy spolies jessica. (inside joke) (lanetern head) well just get a clicker and a leash. if u already have one get another.....

    p.s. for all the people reading this, this is my friend. not some random person i dont know

  3. What exactly is your question?

  4. You've given him too much freedom and he's become spoiled. It's going to be hard to train him, but not impossible. I have a one year old cockateil and I was having similar problems with him. Then I bought a clicker. I trained him to go back to his cage on command by saying in a firm voice, "Back to your cage!" and then click the clicker until he returned back to his cage. Surprisingly enough, it didn't take him that long to learn and obey my command. Try it, see if it works for your teil too. Mind you, he still has his stubborn moments, but for the most part he listens. Good luck and hope this helps!
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