
Cockatiel Breeding!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a few questions, although i've been breeding cockatiels for a few years but still need a hand every now and then.

Firstly i have one hen cockatiel in my aviary, there is a male in there for it, but she has never gone near him or mated witha ny of the males, and has never laid an egg or took an interest in the nest boxes, could it be that she will never breed, do i need another male, what if i placed the two in a small cage for a couple of days so they got used to each other? Any ideas please?

Secondly if i do need another male then could i take the male from my only breeding pair and place it with the hen or would this stop my pair from breeding?

Any advice is great, thanks.




  1. they won't like being confined to a small cage.  why not get another female for the males....maybe your hen bird is too young at the moment?

    with another female...maybe your bird might get the idea of breeding & using the nest boxes...just a thought!

  2. I would like to help you, but sadly, i don't know how. :[
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