
Cockatiel Help?

by Guest60905  |  earlier

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This is my first time owning cockatiels.I have two of them. I want to know how i can tame them so the wont be afraid of me. Whenever i try to get near them they hiss or back away in a corner. I want them to trust me. how can i make them stop biting?




  1. My cockatiel was the same way!

    This is what i did:

    Take the cage in a Cockatiel-Proof room, like a small bathroom or open room where your cockatiels wont get hurt. Then open their cage completly, and try to get them to come out. Dont force them out by picking them up cause that would make them not like hands and then they will always be scared. When they are out of their cage, gradually move your hand toward them, if they bite you try to react the least that you can because if they kow it affects you then they will keep doing it for attention. And if you do this every day then you should be able to hold them and play with them whenever you want!

  2. Don't expect them to be comfortable right away. Just go about your daily business around the house and make sure you greet them in a friendly way when you go by.

    I'm sorry to say, but usually when you have two birds together, they do not want to be held by you at all. If you had one, yes, but not two together. They basically just entertain each other and don't want to socialize with you.

    That doesn't mean they won't be tons of fun to watch and whistle or talk with. We've always had more than one cockatiel at a time (now we have seven, in two cages), and we've taught them several different whistles but not talking. We don't get them out of the cage though. Enjoy your active, personality-filled birdies!

  3. Take everything nice and slow with them, interact daily but only for a few minutes at a time, try holding a yummy treat in your hand inside the cage.  Don't move and let them approach you, it takes time but eventually they will realize you aren't trying to eat them and they will become more social, don't force  yourself on them but let them decide when to get close.

  4. my tiel is the same way. dont rush anything. tiko took months to be comfortable outside his cage, he still hisses. spend time around them, dont reenforce biting, talk to them, you may even need to separate them for best results. go to and click on for the new bird owner.
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