
Cockatiel help!! PLEASE ANSWER!!!!?

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I got two tamed 3 month old cockatiels that bonded together instead of with my family. So now i seperated them like i was advised on here. one is with me in my room where she has a food supply and a big toy she lives in while the other one is in the other side of the house in the living room with a cage and a toy. They both have half of the house which is theirs and are seperated by a big door. Now the one in my room has somewhat bonded with me but won't let me pet her and the one in the living room hasn't really bonded but lets us pet her.WHAT TYPES OF THINGS CAN I DO THAT ARE FUN FOR THEM LIKE HOW CAN I PLAY WITH THEM AND LET THEM LIKE OUR FAMILY AND FEEL COMFORTABLE?

Also if you can tell me how to teach them to come to me? i am trying to train them but i dont really know how.

B.T.W i have had a cockatiel before who lived with me for about a year and flew away 2 months ago at the age of 1 yr 1 mnth we were devestated bacause she did bond with us and was a part of our family. thnks☺




  1. i have a cockatiel and he hates being pet

    what i do that he enjoys sometimes is scratch their feathers behind their neck (if your bird doesnt bite)

    what to do to bond with your bird:

    feed it treats; cheerios is a GREAT snack to get your bird to bond with you they love it. but hand feed it to them dont put it in the bowl, if you do though make sure you talk to your bird when youre putting the cheerios in so it knows your the one feeding it

    whistle to your bird also, h**l pick up on it and whistle eventually too. my bird knows my voice now and h**l whistle to me and i whistle back. so if you whistle little tunes and feed him cheerios he will start to grow on you, it took a while for my bird but dont worry

    also have him step up on your finger and actually say step up so he puts the word w the action, and instead of petting him let him sit on your finger and talk / whistle to him while feeding him the cheerios or another treat

  2. Clip there wings and let them out of there cages, they will start to follow you and your family in time! also if you have a dog or cat that would help. but you have to watch them just in case.  Question why only Gril's,  the boys sure do sing, I have 2 that need a good home!.    My 2 boy birds come out of the cage most every day by the pool, some times they swim, some times they just follow Miranda around the yard, and if one of the yelps out loud Miranda will jump up and go look for them to make sure no buzzard are flying above them.  Miranda is a Whimeranner 70 pounds of Dog Love for those 2 birds.  I just say take your time, and love them I'm sure they can feel that !  see Ya!  Oh and bye the way put them together so that they can fight over the same toys big or small!

  3. Don't birds find it frightening to be pet?

  4. I'm sorry, but it seems kinda cruel to separate them when they were bonded already. What would you do if your parents just disappeared and you could never see them again? Or your siblings(if you have any)? Or your best friends?

  5. as strange as it may seem, birds also have individual personalities just like humans do. Although cockatiels are generally a more affectionate species, it doesn't mean they will all respond in the same way. I've got one cockatiel who I've had since he was very young, who's bonded with me, but doesn't always like to have his head rubbed and such. He lets me know when he wants to be petted and otherwise just goews to sit somewhere else.

    Now, that being said, it might just be that having a hand (nearly bigger than him) come near him is unnerving. I've worked in an aviary and ther was one bird who didn't like anyone else which i attribute to my having smaller hands than others, and so not as frightening.

    Another thing that might work, as you say they've each got half a house to themselves, would be to take him to other rooms with you.

    All that being said, I think, since you say they ahve bonded either with you and/or your family, it sounds as if it would be safe to have them in the same room together. having them separated doesn't necessarily entail some bizarre restraining order. They both obviously have separate cages, and as long as they get a decent amount of human attention, they'll likely be able to get along with each other as well as your household.

    That was long and convoluted, but hopefully it will provide at least one solution for you.

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