
Cockatiel that shakes his head?

by Guest65504  |  earlier

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I have had my young cockatiel for a week now, and he is very friendly. I have noticed recently that when I say his name high pitched he shakes/jerks his head really fast just once...kind of like a twitch. Is this okay?

Can anyone relate to this?

Thanks =)




  1. Hmm, this is a new one and I am not sure, but my thoughts are the high pitch is causing the bird some problem, maybe pain.

    Stop doing that for afew days and watch this bird carefully and if he stops this, no problem, is the sound.

    If he does continue, could be ear infection,tiny new feather bothering him,or something more serious that requires a vet check.

  2. His head jerks and I bet his top knot rises also. Birds hearing is much more sensitive than humans are you may be hitting a pitch that is making him nervous are upset. Since you've only had him about a week he is still adjusting to his new environment as well. be patient and try to avoid that tone for a bit and see what happens.

    Signs that birds are ill include series constant scratching, feather plucking and sitting ruffled up in a corner without curiosity in anything.

    Enjoy your new pet!

  3. All cockatiels do this.  It's normal.  I have 20 tiels.  They all do it.

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