My husband and I have cockroach's we unfortunatly brought with us from storage (yay storage places). We did some research and from what I read they say a cockroach lays an egg every three days! (these are american). We have caught a few of them, and just yesterday found a box of babies that must have just hatched because they were only the size of a nat with intenas!
Is it true they lay an egg every 2.5-3 days and if so does that mean we have at least 10 eggs in here if the ones just hatched the other day then more should be hatching soon?
I really want these out of the house, and they are multiplying like mad. Also where can I look to find these eggs? Any specific hiding spot that they will put them?
Do they always hatch that many and does that mean all of them will hatch within three days of each other since they lay them every 3 days?
So many more cockroach questions, but I will not over whelm you all. Thanks in advanced for the answers!