
Cockroaches and Kidnappers

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1. Ok well lately, I have been having little cockroaches were I live and I HATE bugs, does any1 have suggestions to face my fear or get rid of the terrible things? It's sort of a phobia of mine, I will even wake my bro up at 2 AM to kill them =) little sister (6) is afraid that a kidnapper will come into our house and kidnap her. We don't live in the richest neighborhood and we have a room on the third floor (difficult to get to), how do I convince her that nobody will steal her?

Please answer and thanks in advanced!





  1. well maybe start off with play ones like rubber and work up from there

    maybe just think about how they cant and wont hurt youhh

    maybe show ur lil sister that the doors are locked and say that no one will go up to the 3rd floor because they are to lazy and they gets tirerd easilyy. ( shes 6 she might belive itt )

    make some things up to convinse her

  2. Okay I can&#039;t really answer number 1 but with the number 2 question I would ask my sister why she&#039;s thinking of that and then I would ask my sister what a kidnapper is.  Then I&#039;d ask if a kid threatened her of this?

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