
Coconut oil?? ?

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i heard coconut oil is really good for your skin and hair so i bought it but how much do i take each day?? a teaspoon or a tablespoon ALSO has anybody else used it and did you notice a difference in your skin/hair??




  1. Ummm i hope your not eating it firstly. But coconut oil is GREAT for your skin and hair. You need to get 100% organic/natural coconut oil with nothing added. When u go to use it, it should be solid. U need to run warm/hot water over it to liquefy the oil. then u can use it to lotion ur body or hair. I use it as a face cleanser. First I wash my face with warm water then i massage the oil onto my face and then i take my face cloth and with the water as hot as u can handle it i wipe the oil off. then i wash my face with black egyptian soap. then i moisturize my face with 100% african shea butter. it really clears up ur skin if u have acne or dark spots or blemishes of any kind. I also use it in my hair as a moisturizer. I dont use it about 3 to 4 times a week. I also use it to moisturizer my feet. It helps smooth out your skin if you use it consistently.

    I sell all of the products and can tell your other natural products to use. Email

  2. for your skin i don't know about hair.

  3. Yes it is, many Indians use it nearly daily. No wonder Indian females got such beautiful hair. You can use a tablespoon if you have long hair, or teaspoon is enough. Other oils like Olive Oil is good too.  

  4. IT works wonders, 1 teaspoon daily!

  5. i use it all the time. i use every week when i make my hair mask. i use a couple of tablespoons, but it all depends on the thickness of your hair.

  6. I make candles with Soy wax... and add Coconut oil to them...

    The hot wax.... is great on skin.... with the oil in it,...

    It works very well.... I have lots of customers that purchase the candles for that as well..

    Just thought...


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