
Code Pink...good or making the Left look bad?

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Code Pink...good or making the Left look bad?




  1. Making the left look sillier than it already does.  

  2. It is none of your business what color undergarments Obama wears.

  3. Because of them I won't listen to anything the left has to say,they have no credibility what so ever.

    PS if any came near me I would spit on them.

  4. Well whether or not the vote Democrat or not they are the stereotypical persona of a Lib so it doesn't make them look good. Just as the those wack jobs that protest at soldiers funerals don't necessarily make the religious right look to appetizing either.  

  5. Because of them I have no respect for the left...well them Michael Moore, Cindy Sheeman, kook hollywood crowd etc etc.

  6. Bad. Easy for them to protest war in the US. But that's like firing all the marshals in the wild west. The rest of the world has no patience for peaceniks.

  7. This is one of those weird situations where it's both......dissent is good....debate is good.....but they do make themselves look ridiculous, and un-reasonable.

  8. Code Pink, yet another example of why 60% of the population between Boulder and Pittsburgh think the Democratic party is absolutely insane.

  9. republicans can not win on merits. So the only weapon they have left is an outrages lies. Worked for german n***s in 1933, for Bush 2000/2004.  

  10. Did you see the anti war cowards in denver ganging up on one reporter?

    Or how about the code pink people dressed up as witches in Berkeley outside the USMC recruiters office?

    How about the one that spit on an Iraq war vet at the rally in Santa Barbara?

    The people are an embarassment to this nation

    I kept watching the reporting in hopes that he would just nail one of them right in the mouth with the mic

    I hope one day I encounter these people in person and I will tell them what I think of them and pray that one makes the mistake of putting their hands on me.

    Stop mentioning the KKK, as long as the DNC has a sitting senator that was a me\mber of the Klan you have no right bringing them up.

  11. Neither.  They are a private organization with an anti-Iraq War agenda that is shared by many folks, not just the DNC.

    One could wonder if the KKK is good or whether it makes the Right look bad, but, that would be equally as poor a comparison as the one already made.

  12. A tough job making the Left look any worse, but CP does it.

  13. They have good intentions.. but they are rather silly I have to admit.  But they don't reflect on the left anymore than the KKK reflects on the right.  They make themselves look bad sometimes, not everyone.

  14. Ridiculous..

    Is what they look like.  (and how they behave)

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