
Codependency + drug addiction + depression = SUICIDE??

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OK - I know i've asked questions similar to what I am asking, but I have been researching codependent behavior/tendencies & I feel like this might have played a HUGE part in my boyfriend committing suicide or why I was even dating someone who was battling & also engaging in full-blown opiate addiciton. I became an enabable & codependent to this person. He was going through recovery & said he felt like he was becoming addicted to me instead. I tried & believed I could show him a "normal" life without drugs. He was always open to doing whatever I suggested - minus certain music & movies. Anyway, that made me feel good, like I was finally being loved (yes, I must have issues?) He got back into drugs & blamed us fighting for his relapse. I worried about him constantly & became very distrustful & most likely bitchy. I felt like I always had to be responsible & act like the caretaker & this in return, made me resentful & bitter towards him. BTW - he had been struggling w/depression & drug addiction for about 10 years. We were together for 2 1/2, but long-distance, so I only saw him once every month. He also had a lot of anger towards his parents. It was recently stated that maybe he was with me because I reminded him of mother. From what I've read, the combo of addiction & codependency never ends well. I am struggling with tons of guilt & feeling like I was with him because maybe I loved the "idea" of this person, but not the person. It makes me sick that I could be like that. We never were together enough to talk about our problems, or actually, they just all seemed to be overlooked somehow & many times he said he never wanted a girlfriend, but that I just wouldn't leave him alone. I never knew what state of mind he was in, so I would almost beg him to not break up, it was cyclical. Why didn't I just listen to him & leave it alone. Neither of us were happy. He commited suicide in Feb. He had relapsed in Dec. again into IV drug use - heroin & meth.




  1. It seems to in my case. Although i never meant it to end this way!

  2. well its clearly that you fell in love the superficial part of him, as for the inside person of him might of been a monster and maybe he was crazy, once you get into drugs its very hard to get out and if its been for such a long time 10yrs i think he just couldnt take doin such bad, maybe he thought he was just hurting you and his family bcz of what he does, everyone decides what to do and if he decided to suicide i believe you had nothing to do with it, it was just somthing he had in his head thinking it problably and he just let it out one day and did it, not because of you but because of the person he turned out to be, maybe he just didnt kno what else to do or he thought he couldnt change. unfortunenaltly it happens in life and i just hope for the best of you and his family i hope it helps you, have a nice day.

  3. JEN A, Drug addiction can be extremely serious. Many everyday people have lost jobs, homes, family, friends, and loved ones because they could not break thier drug habit. I recommend you find some help. I found a site that has addiction information and a list of addiction treatment centers so you can help.

    Get healthy!

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