
Coffee Friday!!! Can you answer these situational hypothetical hockey questions (Part 1)???!!!???

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Coffee Friday returns…but will not make a comeback. I am freaking loopy today folks, so watch out.

Can you answer these situation hockey questions?

1) Your poor relative passed away, and you and some relatives are sorting through her house, to sell it. You find in her nightstand a Stanley Cup ring, with a Leafs logo on it. Your relatives are totally not into hockey. Do you just take the ring? Or do you tell your other relatives about it?

2) You’re at a steakhouse and awaiting a seat in Scottsdale, AZ. While waiting, you grab a booth in the bar area. You see Wayne Gretzky walk in, and he also enters the bar, that is packed. You ask him if he wants to have a seat at your booth. He sits down, & then tells you immediately, that he is not in the mood for talking about hockey. What do you talk to Wayne about?




  1. 1.) I'll tell them about it and they'll probably just let me keep it.  They don't like hockey anyway.

    2.) Umm...I'm not sure how much a 17 year old girl and a 47 year old man have in common...But I guess music?  I like classic rock.

  2. 1) Keep the ring. It means more to me then them. In our family you are allowed to claim one item of the non willed stuff if it has meaning to you.

    2)I would talk to Wayne about the time he appeared on Saturday Night Live. I had always wondered how that was .

  3. 1) i'd tell my relatives but then i'd also ask if i can take the ring lol.

    2) i really don't know because i wouldn't want to make myself look dumb in front of him.

  4. 1. I take the ring and head to a specific Tim Horton's. And make a deal with the owner (named Boomer) for free coffee for life in return for his stolen ring. Saving my family a lifetime of ignominy and keeping me in crullers for ever.

    2. His daughter. Watch how fast he changes the subject. back to hockey.

    Either that or a mutual acquaintance Kevin Sullivan, the second best athlete from Brantford, and how he's going to do in Beijing.

  5. 1-The obvious answer is be honest.  Hopefully they will let you keep it.  If you plan to sell it I think they should get some of the proceeds.

    2-I guess you talk about gambling!  ;->

  6. 1. tell other relatives about it.

    2. ask him what he wants to talk about

  7. 1- I couldnt live withmyself if I straight up jacked something that belonged to a deceased family member of someone, so I would tell them.

    2- I would probably ask Wayne what he wanted to talk about.. what his interests were outside of hockey.

  8. 1) First, I'd have it authenticated and then show it off to all my friends who are Leafs fans. Then I'd do a Show-and-Tell tour through the Toronto school system and as part of the educational purpose of the tour I would explain to the children that the ring and others like it are exactly what the Teachers Fund have failed to produce.

    Then Awesome Bill gets kicked to the curb.....

    2) "So, Wayne......Gretzky you say? Uh, so how much of a gambling problem does Janet really have?"

    Gretzky: "Can we please talk about something else?"

  9. 1. Take the family's a pack of idiots anyway.

    2. Ask him if he's bought a gun to chase all the guys away from Paulina...she's so pretty.

  10. 1. take it, they wont know what it is if they arent into hockey haha.

    2. lol so uh hows the weather i mean compared to canada would you prefer the temp here or there?

  11. 1.A leafs championship ring?Does such a thing still exist?

    2.The food/drinks

  12. 1) Tell your Relatives and Then Keep the Ring And Wear It Forever.

    2) Golf. Most Hockey Players Love Golf.

  13. 1. I take it! there's no way I'm letting their dirty paws touch it!

    2. Anything, i'm sure he's interesting. Maybe i will try to throw a little hockey somewhere in there

  14. 1. Take the ring!!!!! And tell them about it anyway, my family would understand. If not, they can find a replacement lol.

    2. Money!I Then I'd buy him five shots of Stoli, then when he is drunk he can tell me all about Hockey and priceless secrets about the Phoenix Coyotes Organization.

  15. I tell them, I am honest that way.

    2) Golf, baseball....anything but politics

  16. 1) I'll tell them but I'm still keeping the ring!

    2)  uh... his family... other intrests!

  17. 1. i would tell them because my family hates the leafs but like the leafs

    2. i would ask him what he wants to talk about

  18. 1. Take the ring and sell it on ebay!!

    2. GOOD QUESTION!! Before I give you the answer!!! What state do I live in? Now you know what Wayne and I would talk about:  Arizona!!!

    We would also be drinking wine since both of us like wine and Wayne is in the wine business.

    The steakhouse is Mastro's Steakhouse. Very nice and exclusive!!

    8852 E Pinnacle Peak Rd, Scottsdale, AZ

  19. 1) keep the ring, my relatives suck anyways

    2)  Ask him how Janet is in bed.

  20. 1) I take it but let them know I'm taking it.  No ones gonna stop the 300 pound guy.

    2) His daughter.  See above.

  21. 1) Just keep it.  However, my fathers side of the family are rabid Leaf fans, so I'd give it to them in real life.

    2) Talk to him about Europe or some kind of traveling.  Talk about wines and craft beers.  Heck I'd even bring up some music talk.

  22. 1. Tell my relatives and they'd probably let me keep it.

    2. How

  23. 1.) I take it, people get ridiculously greedy when it comes to dividing an estate. I would want to display it in my house, not to sell it for half what its worth.

    2.) Janet's Rollerblade ad's, hubba hubba....

  24. 1. Just take it and pawn it.

    2. Mario Lemieux

  25. 1. just take it, i dont necessarily like all my relatives

    2.  i'm not a good convo starter it would just be akward

  26. 1) Take it. I had a situation like that when my grandmother passed. All 5 of my grandmothers children (my aunts and uncles) got to look all around her house and take whatever they felt you needed, but if someone else wanted it  you two had to talk about it or whatever. i was young, so i don't really remember what exactly happened. But if none of my relatives liked hockey i'm sure they wouldn't mind.

    2) I'd probably talk about why he though it was okay to take my seat, if he didn't feel like talking about hockey. lol nahhh, i'd probably just talk about a lot. i dunno.

  27. 1) i just take the ring, since none of my relatives know anything about hockey

    2) anything that doesn't involve

  28. 1) I tell the other relatives. If they're not into hockey, they won't want it anyway.

    2) (Great question!) Women?

  29. 1) I tell my relatives...that I'm keeping it.

    2) I wouldn't be able to talk about hockey anyway.  I would be staring at him, unable to turn away, unable to move, and creep him out.  I would have a hard time controlling the volume of my voice, and I would blurt out at least three, awkward, unintelligent and halfway-thought-out stammered incomplete statements that would cause a lot of tension and silence.  He would shake his head at me, get up, walk out and I would hang my head in shame.  I may cry a little bit on the drive home.

  30. 1) Tell my family, but since they don't like hockey, they probably wouldn't care...

    2) Ask him what his interests are, and try to get a conversation going.

  31. I sure do take it but let everyone know that I did. The next thing is to find out what ole' Leaf Aunt Marge was hitting the hay with.

    "Sure Wayne no let's talk about Gambling or how your wifes rear-end held up over the years"

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