
Coffee and studying?

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OK i have a health question

I'm a pretty dedicated high school student who works literally close to 22 hours a day. Obviously i become ridiculously tired and use coffee as well as NoDooze pills to suppress the feeling of a need for sleep. What effect does this have on the brain. Is this actually hurting me. Also how addictive is caffeine? will i have to keep increasing the dose. Is it like adderall and other c**p? lol




  1. You'll soon crash if you don't stop this madness!

    Get at least 6 hrs of sleep everyday!

  2. Coffee, in my humble opinion, is a requisite for studying.

  3. No matte how much you push yourself, the brain can only focus on the lesson for a limited time, about 20 minutes for most people. Sleep is important because only sleep will allow your body to recuperate. Its no use being top ace if you get sick often.

    Caffeine is a stimulant and promotes wakefulness. If you believe the study which was conducted, it claims coffee drinkers have higher IQs. Yet you should still be careful because it does cause addiction. Take everything in moderation.

  4. The previous posting is correct. Studies have shown that students who try and "cram" for 4 hours straight, versus others that pace themselves - 1 1/2 hours at a time over a few days do significantly better on tests and are better able to retain the information. (Think about it this way, do you remember a lecture more if you sit for an hour and half, versus if you sit for 6 hours - do you remember every detail of the 6 hours of information? of course not)

    As far as caffiene goes it is a stimulant and for some, of course can become addicting. Like everything, caffiene in moderation is key. Keep in mind because you are still young, and your body and brain are growing, your sleep is very important! It's a chance for your brain to recharge and processess all the new information you've accumulated for the day. Also, another huge drawback to caffiene is the "crash" you feel once the caffiene has worn off. It does terrible things for your metabolism and for your focus.

    A better alternative would be to 1 - reevaluate your schedule and studying routine. Understand no matter how hard you try, you will not be PHYSICALLY able to cram all that information in one session. Try to plan your life accordingly - making sure to set aside small amounts of time throughout the day, week, etc to dedicate to "intensive" studying. (i.e. no music, noise, chaos, etc) 2 - begin to wheen yourself off the caffiene. You'll be amazed at how easier it is to focus, and how better you sleep in general. You stamina will increase, instead of a RUSH for 45 min then mental and physical crash, you'll be more physically and mentally focused for longer periods of time. 3 - If you feel that you are addicted to caffiene, and the no doze pills, talk to a trusted adult about it. (i.e. councelor, teachers, older friend, etc) It's nothing serious, but it shouldn't be ignored. Part of growing up healthy, and there for happy and well adjusted, is to learn how to get through the "tough" things of life without crutches (i.e. drugs, alcohol, adrenline, caffiene, food, s*x, money, gambling, etc) In the end, when you learn to adjust yourself to meet the demands of your life head on, instead of relying on those gimmicks you come out a stronger, happier, more confident person.

    I Hope this helps! Best of Luck!

  5. If you don't have time to sleep, what are you doing on the internet?
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