
Coffee make me sick?

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Every time I drink coffee, it will make my stomach ache. And then about two to four hours later I will be sick and I just have to keep going into the bathroom. It happens with hot tea as well, just not as bad. Why does that happen?

It used to be fine, but now its not. I don't understand.




  1. The caffeine in coffee (and in tea!) may be irritating the lining of your stomach. Switch to Sanka -- it contains no caffeine.

  2. It might be the caffine that seems to be the only similarity between coffee and tea. Does iced tea hurt your stomach? Or iced coffee for that matter?

  3. i get like this every once in a while when ive had more that one cup. just drink a big glass of water and it usually reverses the effect

  4. Plants produce caffeine because it is poisonous to attacking bugs. In significant amounts it is also lethal to humans. In smaller doses it is an irritant to the digestive tract.

    But like many illnesses that people get, they take time to be noticed. A little irritation can be ignored, but then it begins to get worse, especially when nervous tensions and other irritants begin to take their toll on an aging body. You can be sure that after awhile, gas sodas and beer, even champaign, will begin to bother you.

    It is likely that if you eliminate all caffeine for a few years, later on you will be able enjoy moderate amounts of caffeine and soda drinks again.

  5. caffeine is a natural laxident, in other words, it speeds up bowel movement making you go to the restroom.

    Try drinking a small amount of it, and drinking more water throughotu teh day.

    Caffeine also dehydrates you, causing you to feel sick.

  6. its the caffeine. Every time i drink coffee it makes me have to go to the bathroom.

    Start getting decaf coffee and tea.
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