
Coffee or energy drink?

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Im 15. Would it be better to give me energy in the morning to drink a cheap energy drink (35p) or a cup of coffee? Not just energy wise but overall. I dont want to drink a energy drink aday and it not do me any good?





  1. Energy drinks.

  2. I drink energy drinks to wake me up instead of coffee. I'd rather have the different good tastes than bland coffee every morning. And I recommend either Monster or MtDew Amp. I just finished a Monster Khaos actually:]

  3. You really don't need caffiene in the morning for someone your age. I remember only drinking coffee or soda in high school when I studied all night and was really tired. But, if you do need that jumpstart, the energy drink will be better. However, if you need an everyday boost, coffee is better because the sugar in energy drinks are bad for your teeth. Coffee stains teeth, but won't rot them away.

  4. Energy drinks aren't very healthy for you, especially if you take them regularly.

    A small bottle of ephedra pills from a gas station should keep you  alert and energetic throughout the week, without the ugly stains that coffee might leave on your teeth.

  5. You should not drink neither of them.

  6. enegry drink, coffee stains your teeth

  7. if your very very tired drink energy drink otherwise drink coffee

  8. First thing I do when I get up is drink 2 glasses of water. That is usually good enough for me. Proper hydration will increase motabolism and energy by 3%. Now if I get less than 6 hours of sleep and feel tired then I will have one with the water but I only use healthy energy drinks.

    If you feel you need a boost besides the water then I would choose the energy drink. Both enery drinks and coffee have the same amount of caffeine but energy drinks have additional stimulants. Energy drinks also have a few B vitamins. This is good since caffeine depletes B vitamins from our system and B vitamins are essential for energy. This alone means energy drinks are better boosters than coffee.

  9. Neither!

    Cheap drinks are often sweetened with aspartame which just ruins your health.

    Coffe isn't really all it is cracked up to be either so why not rehydrate with good ol' Water and have a Mars bar for some energy.

  10. Neither will give u decent energy. you need to start the day with a bowl of cereal and some OJ or fruit or something. at 15 u need to be stocking up on real food not substitutes!

  11. neither!

    they both are soo bad for you!!!!

    but if you had to have one, then i would say find an energy drink that is low in sugars>

    read the label

    you shouldnt drink anything that has more than 17 sugars...

    like i said though neither are good for you... you are too young to be poisioning your body!

    they can make you fat, make you feel more tired than energized and make you feel shaky, nauseuos>

    but its up to you really???

    have you heard of these aloe vera drinks? they come in a green bottle and you can find them at mexican stores?

    they have pulp in them .... they are so good and they ar healthy too.

    if ou had to have a drink every morning try green tea!

    that is very refreshing and energizing and has lots of antioxidents...

    my brother drinks one every day and he swears by it and says that is one of the reasons why he hasnt got sick in over a year....

    i finally tried one, and mmmmmmmmmmmm thats all i got to say...

    the lipton green tea has citrus in it and its good... but the arizona green tea> mmm!

    me and my husband go through like 2 gallons a week!

    plus lots of water!!!!

    we go through those 5 gallon jugs i one week!

    o yeah... thats my VERY long opinion....

    and you should drink lots of water...

    i remember always having a water bottle with me when i was in high school> water helps with your skin to and you wont gain wait!

  12. Neither will give you actual energy - just stimulants.

    Try getting up and having a decent breakfast with some orange juice.  That will kick-start your system...

  13. Coffe stains your teeth

    Energy drink is full of sugar and rots your teeth

    -But They`re noth lovely!

    I`d say though; energy drinks like powerade do make me really hyper! And coffee not as much

  14. coffee - energy drinks cointain loads of sugar

  15. I'd go for coffee in the mornin, its kinda a morning drink aint it? energy drink during the day. Although if your tired at 15, maybe u need a tonic or vitamin supplements?

  16. i will recommend coffee energy drinks ruin your body too much and then after a few hours you have a crash. but you know what drink an orange juice or some fruit drink.

  17. coffee. energy drink hvae way too much sugar and will make u crash

  18. Let's be real here neither, drink real 100% juice, eat breakfast , oatmeal with milk, and have some fruit before You start Your day.

  19. you are 15 years old it is harmful  and dangerous to your body . enter this link below to read more about it

    and about the coffee a one small cup a day is fine for you  it is natural source of caffeine and the coffee itself has some  extra benefits  beside having caffeine but that doesn't mean to over drink .

    if you want to see coffe benefits enter this website below :

    wish for you the best to your body and your soul .....

  20. well if i had to choose i would choose coffee because a lot of energy drinks have a lot of bad stuff like loads of sugar, guarana (its a drug i think that gives u a lot of energy then makes u crash), unwanted calories, etc. with coffee u know how much stuff is in it and u can change it quickly.

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