Question: freeze or not to freeze?

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I have been told that coffee is best kept if in the freezer, which I have always done. My Sister saw it in there yesterday and is convinced that I am ruining it having it in there. Is there any data out there to support that coffee in fact is at it's best if kept in the freezer? Thanks




  1. Storage of Coffee for Maximum Quality

    Once you have obtained some of our delicious gourmet coffee, it should be stored in a way that will maintain its freshness for as long as possible. This is the best way to ensure that you will always have a high quality cup of coffee! If not stored properly, coffee will become stale and lose its unique flavor and tastes. Because we want to help you avoid this, we have gathered some tips to ensure the maximum quality of your coffee:

    The best way to keep coffee fresh is to store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. The container should not allow air to interact with the coffee and dry it out. Also, the refrigerator has the cool temperature needed to slow the aging process. Coffee stored in this way will last for up to 1 year.

    Although not as ideal as refrigerator storage, coffee can also be stored on a pantry shelf in an airtight container. Be sure to find a darker spot that is room temperature or below. Coffee stored in this way will last for up to 6 months.

    Finally, we do not recommend storing coffee in the freezer. The very cold temperature of the freezer will actually speed the aging process!

  2. What, you mean dried coffee? Sure. Anything dry, always keeps better in the freezer. Just don't take it in and out frequently. That will cause condensation and moisture absorption. Maybe that's what your sister means. Use a lot of small containers, so that you aren't taking the same big container out every day.

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