
Cognitive effects of light drinking? ?

by Guest59574  |  earlier

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does light drinking in college during like parties have long term cognitive effects? things like memory and ability to learn, problem solving. i dont drink too much. just casually on weekends at parties and get a lil drunk. i try not to drink if i can. are the cognitive effects that bad? i dont wanna do worse in college becuase beer is makin me stupid




  1. There are other things to drink at parties etc.

    Ask your self why you drink. Are you worried about your image or do you suffer from lack of self esteem?

    You would not notice if a few brain cells die while you drink, but if you keep it up beer and alcohol will make you perhaps permanently stupid.

    Dude...get a life! College makes you who you decide which is more important. I wish you all the best.

  2. I do think that alcohol kills some brain cells which of course has an effect on the body no matter how small it is.

    I suggest you try not to get drunk because no matter what the celebration is, we all know that alcoholic beverages will never be beneficial to our bodies. It's got no important nutrients to give us, instead it allows body complications to arise.


    "Steady drinking over many years leads to permanent changes in the brain. One of the permanent effects of alcohol on the brain is to reduce the amount of brain tissue and to increase the size of the ventricles instead. Another way in which alcoholic drinks affect the brain is through depriving it of food substances such as vitamins. This is because heavy drinkers often neglect their diet, which can lead to vitamin deficiencies. Thiamine, one of the 'B' vitamins is most commonly missing from the diet and can lead to serious mental disturbance."

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