
Coherent wave?

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"two sources of waves are coherent if their PHASE DIFFERENCE are constant"

is the statemeny above true?

i am wondering whether coherent wave needed to be in phase or not. recently studying about Young's double slit experiment.

How if in the case where phase difference is pie/2 ? How does it form constructive interference at the centrel bright fringe while the peak doesn't meet wif peak?




  1. It is the phase difference emerging from the double slits that gives rise to constructive or destructive interference! For a mono-chromatic coherent light source - constructive interference occurs when the waves have a phase difference of 0 or  2π radians. However, destructive interference occurs when the light waves have a phase difference of π radians. Any intermediate phase difference will result in partial addition or reduction of wave amplitudes.

    Finally, Wikipedia adds, 'Coherence (from Latin cohaerere = to be connected) describes in physics a property of waves, that enables stationary (i.e. temporally and spatially constant) interference. More generally, coherence describes all correlation properties between physical quantities of a wave.

    When interfering, waves add constructively or subtract destructively, depending on their relative phase. Two waves are said to be coherent if they have a constant relative phase, which also implies that they have the same frequency. The degree of coherence is measured by the interference visibility, a measure of how perfectly the waves can cancel due to destructive interference.'

    Thus, your initial statement is correct!

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