
Coin-sized lump on horse knee?

by  |  earlier

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The horse has a lump the size of a quarter on the front of her knee. It's not hot, and it doesn't affect her gait. There doesn't seem to be any pain when you touch it or when she moves. It's been there for at leat two days and i have ridden her with no apparent problems. I have looked all over the internet and my horse encyclopedias, but can't really figure out for sure what this is. any help would be appreciated.




  1. you should try to drain it with a needle or lance. if any puss comes out just let it drain and once it drains put some neosporin on  it and keep it clean if it comes back then you should take her to a vet and have them look at it. thats all the help i can give  you . i hope this helps

  2. You definietly want to get it checked by the vet. This could lead to potential problems later on. CALL YOUR VET!

    Good Luck!

  3. Could be several things...You will see this with a chipped knee. Have you laced it and tried to see if there is anything to drain?

    Only way to find out is to call your vet.

  4. well it sure doesnt sound too bad, but obviously you will want to get it checked out by a vet. with horses, you can never be too careful.

    ^hope this helps, it sounded sort of similar...

  5. its probably an air bubble.

    i have seen a horse with air bubbles all over its legs and it doesn't affect the way it moves. and it never hurts the horse and if a horse has it i dont think it would be anything bad for vet check.   hope i helped! good luck !!!!!!!!

  6. Is it hard or soft?  She may have just gotten up the wrong way  from lying down, fell on a small stone, or ran into something.  It could also just be an insect bite.  If she's not showing any lameness, I wouldn't be too concerned. You might try some clear benadryl on the spot and see if that clears it up, if it's an insect bite that should do the trick. If it's soft and wiggly, she probably just bumbed it on something and has a little edema (swelling), an ice pack would help relieve that or a lintament. If it's hard and you find heat in the knee, you may have cause for more concern. She may need ice packs, ani-inflamatory meds, and posiible wrapping. For this consult the vet.

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