My original problem:;_ylt=Anr2nrTJ85YJWm4CKDAmXIg8.Bd.;_ylv=3?qid=20080825135226AAIsU0t
A follow up problem to my original problem:;_ylt=AgXNFP_0bzBrrcbjq6b3QVbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080825143625AAdmSPo&show=7#profile-info-AA10667595
Question is:
Imagine tossing a coin successfully and waiting until the first time a particular pattern appears, say HTT.
For example, if the sequence of tosses was
The pattern HTT appears would appear after the 10th toss.
My problem compared the pattern THT and THH. The followup problem compared THT and TTH. We wanted to know which sequence on average would appear first (in my particular case, I also asked when they would appear on average)
Are the two problems any different (other than the obvious THH vs TTH difference). That is, do they have the same or different answer? And why?