
Coke Zero & Light, Pepsi Max & Light all claim Sugarless Drink. They really NO SUGAR ? Diabete can drink ??

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Coke Zero & Light, Pepsi Max & Light all claim Sugarless Drink. They really NO SUGAR ? Diabete can drink ??




  1. It's got other types of sweeteners, which are sugar based.

    So if any diabetic drinks diet coke and pepsi, it'll have to be done with moderation.

  2. yes. it would be illegal for them to say they have not sugar. they have splenda or some artificial sweetener in them, though.

  3. I wouldnt try it

  4. My mom has been diabetic for 16 years, and the only drink she consumes is Coke Diet, and she never had a problem with her sugar levels

    P.S in parties she drank other diet stuff like the stuff you mentioned and she never had problems.

    and also, she drinks a lot of coke

  5. They are all sugerless. They use an artifical sweetner which is similar to Splenda. That is why at the bottom of the ingrediants there is something saying "Contains phenyaltics(SP)" That is what is being used to sweeten the drink.

  6. they can not lie so it is fine if they do lie they get arrested  

  7. It doesnt have sugar.I has saturated sugar.

    Not gud for diabete.

  8. I was told yes. Some use Splenda, a modified sugar product I think.

  9. It's illegal for false advertising. Should be cool if you don't sue.  

  10. no sugar!

    there is like aspartame in some sugarless drinks.

    aspartame makes you more hungry!

  11. Yeah, it's just got sweeteners instead of sugar, fine for diabetics:-) x

  12. They actually have a natural sugar, which they say is healthy, only one teaspoon of this sugar is enough to flavour the entire can. But, this kind of sugar has been known to cause cancer. Not sure about the Diabetes, maybe the next guy could help you.

  13. yes. it has no sugar but it has artificial sweetners which have less calories and diabetics can also drink this.

  14. If you have diabetes then ask your doctor first

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