
Coke or Pepsi? 7-Up or Sprite?

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Which do you like better and why if possible? I love coke more and sometimes 7-Up and sometimes sprite. 7-Up tends to have a lasting flavor




  1. i like pepsi because it's a tradition in my family.7up or sprite is either because i like them both.

  2. coke, because it taste's the best

  3. I like coke better :)

  4. Coke & Sprite...

  5. i used to like sprite and coke but its just extra clories and fat that just isn't worth it your suposed to drink 8 glasses of water a day so why don't u skip that and drink water its cheeper heatheir and good for your body they say water and exersize cures almost EVERYTHING! think about it are sodas really soooo good that you have to have all thoose clories? nope maby cake is worth it but not soda!!!!!!

  6. Coke or Pepsi: Coke, to me it has better flavor.

    7-up or Sprite: Sprite, 7-up taste a bit watery, as does Mountain Dew! :)

  7. coke-has a more commercial quality. i like that quality lol

    sprite-it has a sweeter side.

  8. pepsi ...the sweetness is awesome. makes me feel good:) sprite or seven up.......mmmmmmmm uhh 7 up

  9. Coke is waaay better than Pepsi.Pepsi always tastes flat. 7up is better for mixing drinks with and tastes more lemon-limey.

  10. Coke and 7-UP!  =)

  11. For dark soda I usually prefer Pepsi. I'll drink Coke if I'm in the mood for something a little less sweet.

    For clear soda, it's Sprite. It just seems less fizzy and irritating than 7-Up.

  12. From your options, Pepsi and Sprite. But I prefer Pepsi and Sierra Mist.

    But you know, in the US I prefer Pepsi products, but if you go to countries like Mexico or Brazil, you will notice that their Coke tastes like our Pepsi and their Pepsi like our Coke. Don't know why, but it's true. Even the Coke from Mexican Stores sold here (imported from Mexico) taste different, specially if they are in glass bottles.

  13. i like pepsi more than coke. i think coke is more fizzy. and i like sprite than 7 up. i think 7-Up is nasty.

  14. I used to crave Sprite badly but now its like it stopped tasting as good now, its kinda weird but I don't like it much. I like Pepsi better than coke and not so much of 7up and Sprite . . .

  15. Coke and Sprite!

    I love the Coke Company wayyy better!

  16. Pepsi and 7-Up. Because neither one is a coke product.

  17. coke- more drinks, more flavors, cherry coke is the best

    sprite- more sugar, sweet, more carbohydrates, feeling lasts longer

  18. PEPSI!!!, not much for sprite or 7 up but if i had to choose it'd be sprite.

  19. Coke and Sprite.

    Not a big fan of pepsi products

  20. Pepsi is my favorite soda

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