
Coke or Pepsi????? Give reasons plz?

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Coke or Pepsi????? Give reasons plz?




  1. none.

    both contain too much sugar.

    but if there was nothing else, I'd take coke.

  2. Pepsi because coke makes me feel like my teeth hurt

  3. coke!! it taste much better... i love coke!!!

  4. I love coke because pepsi is too sweet

  5. I prefer Pepsi (either diet or caffeine free diet) because of taste. Coke is too strong, too syrupy.

  6. reg coke is better the reg pepsi the diest are different but equal

  7. pepsi... tastes more natural, coke tastes like its looooaaaded with artificial sweetners (which it is)

  8. Pepsi..

    I think coke has a flat taste to it. Pepsi has that ahhhh taste to it. bubby, and cold.

    does that make sense?

  9. Of course Coke! It has more original taste than pepsi and not as sweet. Try mixing coke and liquor and u will get the perfect bourbon taste. But it u use pepsi, I will guarantee that u will vomit after that. And coke has more options, Diet Coke, Light Coke, Coke Zero...

  10. Pepsi.

    To me, the taste is crisper.

    Coke tastes empty and like pepper to me. :P

  11. coke because Pepsi just tastes like flat coke

  12. i drink diet pop cause i am diabetic, but definitly pepsi ( diet) lol but because diet coke has a horrible aftertaste that pepsi does not have. coke is just nasty

  13. diet coke cuz it is yummy

  14. coke every time pepsi to sweat

  15. Pepsi,I think coke is too acidy.

  16. Coke for me Pepsi is just a spin off of coke & dont have the nice strong taste of coke

  17. to get you to apply for a credit card.

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