
Cold feet... months before the wedding?

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I have been having aweful dreams about my upcoming wedding.... It's not untill april... but sometimes when I think about it I feel really claustrophobic... My stomach gets buterflies, and my head feels like it's spinning.... I feel really hot, and start to have trouble breathing....

I don't think the marriage is a bad idea. I love lee, and i want to spend the rest of my life with him. Every time I have this feeling It's when I'm away from him.

And I don't get stage fright, so I don't think that's it....

Whats wrong with me? What can I do to make this feeling go away... Any insight would be helpful.... thanks.




  1. make sure its right individually not with any outter distractions

  2. as long as u too r in love everything will be fine

  3. I hope Lee doesn't read this!

  4. Almost EVERYONE gets cold feet. Its normal.

  5. Hey dude, I had the same problem, I was soiling my jeans every day. Finally I said it is not worth making the rest of my life miserable so I can have s*x for a couple of weeks. I moved to Mexico and have been OK since.

  6. its just nervs itll go sister had the same exact thing and it went away

  7. It's just nerves hun...But do what you think is right. If you want to put the wedding off for a little longer then you should. But if that's what you want hurry up and say something!! I hope I helped!

  8. Dreams can tell you a lot. Since you feel this way when you are apart then it may come from a feeling of being trapped when your together, since you know that you will be together again and it will be for keeps. The other reason could be that when your apart you feel anxiety from being apart and the need to be together again is misinterpreted as dread of becoming married. You need to search within yourself and find what you really want. Are you relieved when you have freedom and space, or do you count the moments till your reunited. Good luck either way.

  9. maybe you have a generalized anxiety disorder.

  10. look, you gotta ask yourself, is this the person i want to spend the rest of my life with? do i love him more than anything else in the world?

    if yes, then get married!

  11. Don't worry! It's because you're happy that makes you feel soo...queasy? I don't know the right word, but perhaps excited.

    It's just like going on a roller-coaster, you feel excited when you go on it, and then once you reach the top, you start to feel hot, and can't breathe.

    Sit down somewhere nice and quiet, and just breathe. If it makes you feel better, go somewhere nice and relaxing with your guy :) it really helps you feel alot calmer when you're with someone who you really want. Best wishes on your wedding!!!

  12. its normal almost every one gets cold feet i dont think there's anything wrong whit you

  13. Sounds like a panic attack to me.  You need to figure out why thinking about the wedding is causing you to feel that way.  What is it about the event?  Are you nervous about saying your vows?  Walking down the aisle?  dancing at the reception?

    Once you figure out what is causing you to panic, then you can figure out how to stop the attacks.

    I find the more info the better.  So research weddings, ceremonies receptions and see if you can find some info that can help you.

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