
Cold spots and warm spots?

by  |  earlier

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This room in my home gets heat daily. I do EMF readings in there and some spots are 65 degrees, 10 degrees, and sometimes 90 degrees. This room has 1 window. This room has no vents. I checked drafts and insulation, but that wasn't a problem. In fact, I had a professional contract look and he said they were fine. The history of the home is nothing paranormal, I mean, the last people to live in there were a married couple with no kids. I've been here 25 years and I never noticed these cold/warm spots until about 2 years ago. Could this be a spirit or spirits? I've looked around for paranormal groups, but none in my area. The closet one is 5 states away. I've taken pictures in the area and I keep getting orbs, but the orbs are in a different area every time like they are following me. I zoomed the dot into my computer and it's like a face. It creeps me out so I no longer do it. Advice?




  1. Orbs could be a LOT of different things.  Spirits/ghosts, angels/deamons,  or even just small dust particals your naked eye cant see. Check the rest of the house and take some more pics.  Record some audio while you are sleaping, also ask questions and review the audio later.

  2. the insulation in your walls settled.  and, you are bored

  3. First of all, EMF meters don't measure temperature.  Secondly, there is no evidence ghosts or spirits exist.  Third, if spirits did exist there is no evidence or reason to think they would affect ambient temperature.  The idea that they do is just a theoretical fabrication.  People who believe in spirits postulate that spirits must need energy, so they soak up heat.  There is NO example of this ever happening.

    Orbs are photographic anomalies.  They are dust or moisture particles that bounce the light from a flash back to the camera.  They are not spirits.  This is another unsubstantiated "theory" that was completely invented by an eager believer.

    My advice is for you to try to pull back from this world of magical thinking you've created for yourself.  It seems to me you're just looking for things to get frightened about.

  4. I've been through cold spots before ..when they weren't there before..but this was outside..and there was not wind..I could walk in and out of them.

    That really is spooky that your orbs have a face. The skeptics will say it's an faces in clouds.If it's a spirit..seems like it would have a whole body in the orb. (Maybe they're holding a flashlight under their chin!) I'm not taking this lightly even tho I'm joking about it . I understand your concerns. Any chance you bought some used/old furniture and put it in there? Think about whatever you brought home with you 2 years ago. (I'm just going by what I've heard others say.)  I think I had spirits in my home..years ago..a different place..but I wasn't scared until I really believed there were spirits in there. It'll make you paranoid!! Maybe you can ignore them. They probably don't have any other place to go. Just don't do anything you wouldn't want them to see. (I could be wrong about all this..I 'm not an expert.)

  5. I think you should just relax, nothing paranormal is going on. cold spots warm spots can be due to hundreds of reasons: pipes under floor boards, air movements, your own feelings... Air moves in very complex ways so do magnetic fields. Cables in walls all have magnetic fields. TV, radios in particular produce fields. There's nothing wrong relax and don't get taken by some c**k-and-bull story possibly into paying money. 'orbs' mean nothing on cameras my camera does it where ever seeing a face? That's just human nature, we see faces in clouds, carpets curtains walls, peanuts...

    Alternatively, it this is how you roll:

    That family before did have children, 6 infact. They were hard core satanists and murder each child drinking it's blood. wiping on the walls. Warm spots are the spirits of said children who having known nothing but violence form adults (they were not allowed out and parents only saw them to beat them). Are angry, angry at you, angry at your family and angry at the house.

    The orbs are Cherenkov radiation due to the spirits wizzing around at faster than light speeds (speed of light in air not in a vacuum which nothing can surpass)  at this speed the emit a glow (faint blue usually)( any scientist will tell you this is true). At this INTENSE speed they heat up, spinning in the same spot produces warm spots.

    Beware of increasing heat in spots. If all the spirits learn that together they can create a super spirit they may burn your house down, probably at 4am when most are in their deepest sleep. Beware....


  6. I guess the real question is do you feel threatened?  So far there doesn't seem to be anything to suggest that you are in any danger.

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