This room in my home gets heat daily. I do EMF readings in there and some spots are 65 degrees, 10 degrees, and sometimes 90 degrees. This room has 1 window. This room has no vents. I checked drafts and insulation, but that wasn't a problem. In fact, I had a professional contract look and he said they were fine. The history of the home is nothing paranormal, I mean, the last people to live in there were a married couple with no kids. I've been here 25 years and I never noticed these cold/warm spots until about 2 years ago. Could this be a spirit or spirits? I've looked around for paranormal groups, but none in my area. The closet one is 5 states away. I've taken pictures in the area and I keep getting orbs, but the orbs are in a different area every time like they are following me. I zoomed the dot into my computer and it's like a face. It creeps me out so I no longer do it. Advice?