
Coldsore ? HELP !!!?

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Okay so I need a homemade treatment for a coldsore that I have that is inside of my mouth on my top lip , if you know of anything please help!




  1. I realize the cold sore is on the inside of your mouth, but I am assuming that you probably get them on the outside also.  If I have nothing else in the house, I put milk on it....just a dab, when it starts to get that "oh no, I'm getting a cold sore feeling"...let it dry on it's own.  It works!  Maybe try holding your lip up to dry when you put milk on it?

  2. well is it a cold sore or canker sore...

    usually you get canker sores inside the mouth... they look like a little open wound with white in it sometimes... its completely different then a cold sore.

    if its a cold sore theres not much you can do about it till it does away

    but to make a canker sore disapear faster which sounds like thats what this is.... use some mouthwash or saltwater and rinse it in your mouth to get the germs out and it will heal faster.

  3. try salt water rinses alternating with peroxide rinses 3 times a day after meals &  before bedtime.

  4. Don't kiss anyone because its usually contagious and go to the doc, treating it yourself might make it worse actually
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