
Colic?? food?? riding?? HELP?

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how long should i wait after riding (only walk, trot, 1 canter. 30/45mins) to give my horse his feed and let him drink?? i dont want him to get colic!




  1. The first answer is correct. You need to feel your horse's chest and neck, and if it's room temperature and not hot to the touch, it's safe to feed him and let him drink if he wants.

  2. As long as he is not blowing and over heated you can allow him to drink some cool (not ice cold) water.  

    Once he has settled down and his heart rate returns to normal, put your hand on his chest.  If he is not HOT on his chest then it is safe to feed him.  You want his body temperature, heart rate and respiration all to return to a normal resting condition before offering him food.

  3. I'd say about an hour at least =] well done for being careful, colic is scary! =o

  4. You can let him have water right away, but not more than a few gulps. I would just make sure he is completely cooled off, breathing normally, and doesn't feel warm to the touch (feel his chest - it's the best place to tell). Shouldn't take more than 1/2 and hour or so.

  5. Generally wait about an hour after feeding.  After walking him down for a half hour or so, be sure to rinse and cool him first. Be sure to run cold running water on inside of thighs, legs, and neck areas first as these are area rich with blood and results in cooling.  After his bath tie him where there is a nice breeze to help cool by evaporation.

  6. you need to wait until his breathing returns to normal(average breaths per minute:8-20), and until he stops sweating from the hack...he can still be sweaty, but make sure he's stopped sweating.

  7. I'd say by the time you cool him down and untack you should wait 5-10 minutes (putting rugs on etc) and then it should be fine. Ive been doing this for years.

  8. feel the chest..if its hot i would recommend giving him a nice rinse with the water hose.then feel the chest again if its cool than you can feed him.

  9. feel his chest and if it is HOT dont feed him. but when he feels cool it is ok to feed him.

    depending on how good of shape he is in he might take longer cool or less time.

    i wait about ten min. to feed my horse after i ride. but my horse is different. she is in good shape.

  10. I'm not sure if there is a certain amount of time you should wait... i ride English and do jumping. when i ride i work my  horse pretty hard over fences for an hour or so.  after I'm done i make sure to cool him down really well.  as long as he is cooled down you don't have to worry about feeding your horse. you get into problems when you work your horse hard and just throw him in his stall with his food.  this can cause long term problems as well as the possibility of colic. my advice is as long as you cool him down so that he is no longer breathing hard or sweating you will be fine! :)

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