
Collar problem...(PIC)?

by Guest65127  |  earlier

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i want my kitten to have a collar just for my peace of mind... but the problem is that when he eats the tag hits the plate consistantly and makes an annoying sound... when he eats i can se he is uncomfortable because of the sound. what can i do??? will he get used to it??




  1. you could just get another collar, or take the silver circle thing off, and replace it with a bell, or something similar, that doesnt hang down.

  2. Sana,

    If your cat is an outdoor cat, a collar with ID is an excellent idea, just in case he wanders and someone finds him. Of course, keeping a kitty indoors is preferable, as indoor cats generally have longer lives, and are not in danger of being hit by a car, fighting with other roaming cats, pesky parasites, infections or illness.

    If your cat is indoors only,  generally there is no need for a collar, unless you are fearful of a hasty escape when the doorbell rings. I might suggest a harness, instead of a collar, with the information put on a tag that can be attached to the harness on the top. This way it cannot interfere with feeding.

    Other than that there is little you can do to control the sound of the tag which is dangling.  Perhaps you could feed him on a paper plate so the sound is reduced considerably, if all else fails. While plastic dishes may be more quiet, they can be the cause of feline acne, which is not something you want to invite.

    Hope this helps,


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former Oriental Shorthair and Siamese breeder

  3. Nice looking set up.  

    But perhaps consider a plastic dish or a plastic tag.  I believe Pet Smart makes them right there in the store for you.  

    Also, you may think about switching to a "break-away" collar.  Yours did not appear to be one.  They are made so if your kitty gets hooked on something, it will come apart instead of choking him.  Just a thought.  :)

    EDIT:   Another idea would be to have him micro chipped.  Then you could do away with the ID tag altogether.  But if you really like the tags, the ones at Pet Smart are plastic I believe and there is a huge variety of shapes and sizes that you can type all of your information on right there.  :)

  4. I've had that same problem before!  I got my cats microchipped and put the soft yellow tag (that comes with the microchip) on the side that the tag normally hits.....

    The soft yellow tag doesn't make any sound.

    EDIT:  Working for an animal shelter makes me stress this....ALWAYS have your cat wear a breakaway collar and tag!  A harness is much more dangerous don't get one!!!!!!Identification is required in our county!  Only about 2% off lost cats get returned...and they are the ones wearing ID.

  5. Cute kitty..........Your photography is fine. Looks like the bowl your feeding him with is ceramic of some sort. Why don't you get him a soft plastic type bowl. It wouldn't make so much of a clanging noise.  

  6. you can just give him a plastic collar so it wont sound or maybe those belt like things for watches

  7. Your cat should get used to the sound relatively quickly.  If you want to lessen the sound, you might try covering the surface of the tag with clear tape, seeing if you can find a rubber ring to put around the edge of the tag (like you can put around keys to color code them)

  8. You can get plastic tags too. Then it won't be as loud as it normally is as metal. That's if you are willing to buy or even change the tag. That should help.

  9. Switch to one of the collars that has your information sewn into it or to an engraved tag that is one of the longer plates that actually go over the collar itself (in other words it lays flush along the length of the collar like this one )    I would also recommend having your cat microchipped.  Since cat collars are breakaway it is not uncommon for an escaped cat to get its collar caught up in something and loose it so a microchip is a good backup form of id

  10. If you keep your cat indoors he will NEVER get lost...I do not believe in putting collars on cats they are uncomfortable and probably itch their fur...please keep your cat inside there are way too many dangers outside and think about letting him be collar-free

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