
Collection agency can i get them to put it in writing what i agree too.?

by  |  earlier

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my son's tmoble acc. overdue and they are cutting me a deal of half but i just hear a voice on the phone . who are they ? if they do not accept a personal ck. let it go? or a cashiers check. but shouldn't i have something in writing?




  1. yes, ask for that agreement in writing. you probaly can do check by phone, ask them.

  2. Yes have them give you something in writing. Do not give them any money until they do so. If you really want it done quickly, have them fax it to you. Do not use a personal cheque, money order only.

  3. Yes, you should have EVERYTHING in writing. after you get a letter in writing stating the terms that you and the company agree on make copies of it and keep it FOR LIFE. and send either a money order or check so you have a record of payment. if they dont accept payment keep all your check receipts and all paper work so if you are taken to court you have proof of trying to pay and the judge will throw the case out

  4. always get it in writing- or they can come after you again with claims that you didn't fulfill your end of the deal and it can ding your credit score (or his if he's a teen)

    Good Luck!  

  5. i know a great company that will consolidate all your unsecured debt,  you need to have a minimum of $5,000 example, credit cards, hospital bills, car repos, store cards , etc. They will reduce your total debt by a large amount then work out a payment plan on the reduced balance with no interest or penalties. and you can set a payment plan to suit your budget. The best part is that everything is 100% legal through a  large law firm that can work in all 50 states and gives you total legal protection against  lawsuits and stops harrassing phone calls.

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